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Health & Wellness

With everything we are exposed to these days, it is so important to keep health and wellness a top priority. It can be difficult to know where to start when keeping a healthy home and family. These articles will help guide you to thrive when it comes to your level of health and wellness.

Green Beauty Health & Wellness

How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally: The Oil Cleansing Method + My Top 5 Reccomendations

March 5, 2017

When I was a teenager, I carried the burden of the occasional break out. Something that no teenager wants to deal with but something that most experience (thanks a lot hormones). But nothing compared to the skin tornado that happened when I hit my early 20’s. This unfortunate breakout was partly due to ending my relationship with the Birth Control Pill and it took some serious shots at my self confidence. I literally tried everything in my power to tame the acne that had erupted all over my face but nothing was working. I went as far as taking the drug Accutane, which requires monthly blood tests to ensure your liver is processing it properly (yikes). While this “wonder drug” did give me clear skin for a year or so, eventually it came back and with a vengeance. I was at a loss of what to do and enlisted the help of my Naturopath who referred me to a holistic aesthetician. I am so grateful that I met this amazing woman for so many reasons and her knowledge of natural skin care is one of them. She started by assessing my skin and eventually came up with a skin care regime for me. This is what the regime looked like:

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Health & Wellness

12 Health Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils & How to Choose a Diffuser

January 24, 2017


In the last five years or so there has been quite a buzz surrounding essential oils. They have gone mainstream, and while I am completely pro essential oil, I know that this big boom of popularity has come with its downfalls. This includes: the distribution of oils that are not as high quality as they are portrayed, the improper use of oils (including the advice to have your children ingest certain essential oils, yikes), or using oils in a way that destroys their quality or potency. Essential oils contain a plethora of health benefits, but whether or not you’re using them properly is what determines the level of benefits you’ll actually receive.

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Health & Wellness

Natural and Fluoride-Free Toothpaste for Adults and Children:

November 20, 2016

​Shopping Dental hygiene is a daunting task when you’re into green living. Along with deodorant, it was one of the hardest products to navigate since so many natural toothpastes can taste awful and leave you without that fresh feeling. So I’ve teamed up with the perfectly curated green beauty shop, Green & Pure, to talk all about our favourite tooth paste by Theodent. My search for the perfect fluoride free toothpaste begins with an unfortunate dental blunder from my childhood.

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Health & Wellness

Organic Hannahpads: 10 Reasons you should try Cloth pads + FAQ’s Answered

October 14, 2016

I have been on the hunt for safer alternatives to the conventional feminine products you find in pharmacies. I have tried a few options so far (you can read all about my experience using the menstrual cup here). The choice to use products filled with chemicals just doesn’t resonate as a healthy choice in my mind. The fact that Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is something that could possibly occur when using a conventional brand of tampons just makes my head spin. Not to mention I despise disposable pads and everything about them.. They are made of plastic, they crinkle every time you move, they bunch up causing leakage, they are itchy against the skin, they smell terrible, and are filled with chemicals used to absorb. For years now I have stayed away from pads for these very reasons even when I could have used the extra absorbency. Using cloth pads had never really crossed my mind as a good alternative.. boy, was I wrong..

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

* This post has been updated January 2020, to include a more recent account and review of Hannah Pads. *

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Health & Wellness

I REALLY wanted to love the Menstrual Cup, but I didn’t and here’s why..

September 13, 2016

This ones for the Ladies!

For those who don’t know what a Menstrual Cup is.. It is an alternative way to deal with periods that doesn’t involve chemical filled cotton tampons or pads. It is a small medical grade silicone cup that is worn similarly to a tampon but rather than absorbing, it catches blood. This was supposed to be my new go to and I wanted so badly to love this product.. Sadly, after months of trial and error this option didn’t work for me. This doesn’t mean that it wont work for everyone because I’ve heard some positive testimonials to this cup and certainly don’t want to knock an invention that is working towards improving women’s health, but I know that many women are looking for healthier options and so I wanted to give my most honest opinion.

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Health & Wellness

My Favourite Seasonal Detox: A Beneficial & Non-Restrictive Program

March 17, 2016

I have done my fair share of detox systems and I must say that coming from a background of eating issues, I am very cautious on what I will recommend to others. Many of the cleanse or detox programs on the market require you to replace a meal with their product or they use harsh ingredients that cause a laxative effect wreaking havoc on your electrolytes and organs. I am also quite an advocate of healthy eating and lifestyle over any fad diets or programs. I just don’t believe in miracle programs and I don’t use them as a weight loss aid at this point. Setting a goal of weight loss is fine, but this should not be your primary goal, health should be! When you provide your body with the proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to function, it will eventually shift to its most effective set weight point. It’s a good idea to cleanse your system every season change if possible. This gives your body a little kick start and gets rid of some unwanted baggage to help every system run a bit more smoothly.

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Health & Wellness

10 Reasons Why Sugar is Harmful & a Healthy Alternative: (Healthy Hot Chocolate Recipe included)

March 7, 2016

I have been searching FOREVER for a sugar substitute that wasn’t made of harmful chemicals. I am not concerned about the calories as much as I am the health issues resulting from products like Splenda, or even sugar itself. There has been a lot of coverage on the health issues caused by sugar. In addition to this, most of the people eating sugar aren’t using raw cane sugar but are ingesting the white granulated, highly processed, highly BLEACHED table sugar. No, that white table sugar is not in it’s natural form.

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Health & Wellness

9 Reasons Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil is Good for You: Skinny Coconut Oil

February 22, 2016

This single ingredient has become a massive trend in the world of natural healthcare. Lists are written of the many different ways you can use this miracle oil in your everyday life. I always have it on hand in my household, whether it’s for cooking, oil pulling, or moisturizer when I’ve run out of mine for a few days. You just cant find another ingredient that is this versatile.

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