Colostrum has become a trending supplement in the wellness world but it is not a new discovery. Colostrum is one of the most ancient superfoods. It contains one of the widest ranges of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Any human can consume bovine colostrum and will receive the health benefits associated. Of all the supplements I have tried, colostrum has been one of the most impactful. As with anything, quality matters and can range from one brand to another. I spent time comparing and testing a number of brands but nothing comes close to Cowboy Colostrum. I wanted to share a full Cowboy Colostrum review for anyone who is looking for a good quality colostrum supplement. Cowboy Colostrum is superior for many reasons. I don’t gatekeep here, so I’m sharing an in depth review of colostrum and cowboy colostrum in particular in hopes that it will provide the same incredible benefits for your family as it has mine.
* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). This post is sponsored. As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *
* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **
What is Colostrum
As mentioned above, Colostrum is one of the most ancient superfoods. It is the first “milk” produced by all mammals, including humans, shortly before and after birth. All Mothers produce colostrum before their breastmilk comes in to feed their babies after birth. Colostrum is incredibly nutrient dense. It provides deep nourishment and a slew of vitamins and minerals for babies in their earliest and most fragile days. This dose of nutrients sets babies up for wellness and acts like a kickstart to their immune systems to protect them while young. Colostrum can also provide the same health benefits to growing children and adults far beyond those early postpartum days.
Colostrum is a limited resource filled with incredible health benefits. Mothers only produce this “liquid gold” for a short period of time. But there is one mammal who produces colostrum that we as humans are able to consume and receive the same health benefits. The answer lies with one of the most infamous milk producing mammals alive today: cows. Milk producing cows also create colostrum for their calves in the early days of postpartum life. Once the calves have had what they need, farmers are able to collect the excess colostrum from the Mother.
Bovine Colostrum resembles human colostrum. It can be given to and tolerated well by humans. It also provides the same nutrients and health benefits. Because it is raw and all the enzymes are intact, Colostrum won’t elicit sensitivity for those who typically cant tolerate dairy. Conventional dairy from the grocery store is often pasteurized which eliminates the enzymes needed to break it down in the digestive system. This lack of enzymes is what creates a reaction to dairy for many. Most individuals will tolerate colostrum very well, including dairy sensitive individuals. In fact, due to it’s ability to repair the gut, many people who have reactive systems can rebuild their ability to tolerate a variety of foods that they hadn’t been able to prior. The benefits colostrum provides are so incredible.
Many studies have shown that the benefits from consuming colostrum extend to all ages. Babies, Children and Adults are all able to consume colostrum and gain the same health benefits a newborn would. The benefits from colostrum are immense. This is why many are starting to jump on the bandwagon and add it to their daily routine. It has a very positive effect on the body.
Benefits of Bovine Colostrum
Because of it’s nutrient density, colostrum provides a wide range of different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It has an impact on the entire body, especially the gut and the immune system. We have seen major benefits taking this as a family for the last few years. My first introduction to colostrum was from my Naturopath who suggested it when one of my children was experiencing stomach and digestive issues. It was also recommended to be taken during “cold and flu” season as it can help prevent and reduce severity of illnesses.
There are so many health benefits associated with consuming colostrum and it stems from it’s ability to repair and heal the gut while also supporting the body’s immune response. As we know, the gut holds it’s own diverse microbiome and it is tied to the rest of our body’s health. A healthy gut can be the foundation for a healthy body and system. When you support a diverse and well balanced microbiome within the gut, the positive effects of this foundation will be seen cascading throughout the body. The gut is an incredibly important piece in regards to how colostrum provides such a notable shifts in one’s health.
21 Health Benefits of Bovine Colostrum
The article 10 Incredible Health Benefits of Colostrum provides a detailed and in depth review of some of the most impactful health benefits you can expect to receive when consuming colostrum. There are so many health benefits associated with consuming colostrum. Here are some of the following benefits:
- Naturally High in Vitamins and Minerals
- High in Immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, IgM
- High in Lactoferrin (improves iron deficiency and uptake)
- Contains both essential and non-essential amino acids and enzymes
- Contains healthy probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium
- Improves the Immune System
- Improves Iron Deficiency and Anemia
- Improves overall Gut Health and diversifies the gut microbiome
- Heals Leaky Gut and IBS
- Heals Gut Dysbiosis (SIBO)
- Has Anti-Viral Properties
- Has Anti-Bacterial Properties
- Promotes Healthy Skin Overall
- Anti-Aging Effects
- Can improve and heal Eczema, Acne, Psoriasis
- Reduces overall inflammation within the body
- Helps regulate Blood Sugar
- Can regulate the Digestive System (Constipation or Diarrhea)
- Encourages Healthy Weight loss (Read HOW Colostrum will help you lose weight HERE)
- Improves Athletic Performance
- Enhances Muscle Growth and Speeds Recovery
How to take Bovine Colostrum
Companies can sell colostrum by preserving the nutrients through freeze drying methods and turning the superfood into powder form. You can either encapsulate the powder to swallow each morning or add the powder to a smoothie or drink each day.
One of the best parts about Colostrum is how easy it can be to incorporate it into your daily regimen. It is tasty which makes it very easy to give to Children. There are many beneficial supplements that are not easy for kids to take due to poor taste or inability to swallow a pill. It is a relief when a supplement that provides such a high dose of nutrition is easy for them to consume. Colostrum isn’t foul tasting to begin with and the unflavored powder can be added to a favorite juice or drink. Most colostrum companies create different flavors which can be used to create fun beverages for kids and adults alike. I’ll be sharing about my favorite flavors and some fun drink recipes below.
** IMPORTANT: The nutrients in Colostrum are heat sensitive. If you add the powder to a hot beverage or liquid, some of the nutrients will be depleted. You can ensure all nutrients are intact by only adding colostrum to room temperature and cold liquids. **
Cowboy Colostrum Review
Cowboy Colostrum: Sourcing + Quality
Due to people catching onto the health benefits a colostrum supplement can provide, many brands have popped up in recent years. This accessibility is a fantastic thing as bovine colostrum wasn’t quite as readily available a decade or so ago. How do you choose the best brand? There are few things to consider. First and foremost, it starts with a brand’s sourcing of the colostrum itself. This is one of the main reasons I solely consume Cowboy Colostrum. Their origin story and the relationships to their farmer is impressive. They source the best quality colostrum which is what drew me in from the start.
The dedication to their product was evident to me when they were passionate answering any questions I had. They also provide the data from strict internal and third party lab analysis for purity and potency. In the past, I have experienced companies providing vague information and avoiding further questioning into the sourcing of their products. It can certainly be expensive for a company to source quality product. It can also be enticing to create a larger profit margin sourcing cheaper ingredients. As a consumer that is well vested in the wellness industry, I know there are quality companies and companies looking solely to turn a profit. Every so often you find a company that is dedicated to sourcing the finest and highest quality ingredients. Business is tough but the most successful owners are often passionate in their product in addition to making a living wage. I have found some of the most kind hearted, dedicated and passionate owners in Cowboy Colostrum. They stand by their colostrum and work to uphold their high quality and sourcing standards with their farmers at every turn.
The owners of Cowboy Colostrum spent months looking for a farmer/producer that would meet their quality standards. Many colostrum companies will source their colostrum from multiple farms without knowing the standards and practices of said farms. Colostrum is a limited resource so it is certainly easier to “take what you can get”. Thankfully Cowboy dedicated their brand to finding and building a strong relationship with their farmer/producer. They uphold many strict quality standards. These standards for Cowboy Colostrum were and still are:
- Calf first commitment
- First Milking Colostrum
- Grass Fed Colostrum
- Non-GMO Colostrum
- Pesticide + Glyphosate Free Colostrum
- Antibiotics Free
- Flow Agent Free
- Gluten Free
- Hormone Free
Cowboy Colostrum has built a relationship with a Fourth Generation US Dairy Farmer that upholds all of the standards above. They even have their own freeze drying facility on site which ensures quick processing keeping the most nutrients intact. The cows are grass fed on pastures that are not sprayed with pesticides like glyphosate. No hormones or antibiotics are given in the process which means they are not found within the colostrum you consume.
Calf first commitment refers to the standard set that calves receive their fill before the excess colostrum is collected. This standard protects the health of the animals and ensures the calves receive what they need. Thankfully for us, colostrum is produced in excess so we are able to collect the leftover for supplementation.
First milking Colostrum refers to the colostrum collected within the first 4-6 hours following the birth of the calf. Colostrum within this window has the highest level of bio actives and is of the highest quality. Most colostrum companies provide a mix of first, second and third milking colostrum while Cowboy commits to only providing first milking colostrum. This speaks to quality of the supplement and the level of dedication it takes working with their farmers.
After collecting the colostrum, Cowboy Colostrum ensures that all products are free from fillers, preservatives and artificial sweeteners. The finished product, whether you are opting for unflavored or a flavored option, is one of the purest and cleanest colostrum formulations on the market. They ensure they don’t strip essential nutrients while processing. This leaves you with a nutrient dense, delicious and creamy colostrum.
I have tried many different colostrum brands and there are a few brands that stand out on top. But nothing compares to Cowboy Colostrum, including ARMRA in my humble opinion. I address these comparisons and my personal reasons for opting Cowboy over other top brands HERE.
Cowboy Colostrum Personal Review + Experience
What Benefits have we Experienced?
I love all of the studies and evidence to back up a wellness products. It is always interesting to see what types of benefits you could expect to experience taking colostrum. There are many! But nothing really compares to hearing someone’s personal experience. So I decided I would speak to my own personal Cowboy Colostrum Review.
Immune System: Sick less often + less severity
My Family and I have been using Cowboy Colostrum exclusively for over a year now. Nothing stresses me out more than trying to get my kids to take supplements. Every so often you land on one that your children love to take. Colostrum is one of those unicorn wellness supplements that have a WIDE range of benefits and also tastes amazing. I already knew the health benefits associated with consuming colostrum but nothing feels better than realizing your children will gladly take it daily. Because colostrum is so nutrient dense, it can take the place of certain other supplements as well. This alleviates a lot of the struggle many of us find ourselves in each morning when encouraging our Children to take their vitamins.
I have seen improvements in my Children’s immune function as compared to the years we didn’t take it. Any Mother can relate to the disdain for the inevitable germ factory that comes through your home when you have little children building their immune systems. It can feel never ending and no one wants to watch their Children get sick. Having a few colds and flus a year is completely normal, but colostrum has reduced the frequency of illness in our home. It has also prevented certain illnesses entirely and reduced the severity of the ones we do catch. We’ve also noticed less infections and secondary infections post illness such as pneumonia etc.
Overall, one of the biggest benefits we have personally seen as a Family has been the immunity you gain from taking colostrum. This isn’t surprising considering colostrum contains a high level of immunoglobulins and vitamins that are specifically supportive to the immune system. After all, the primary role of colostrum is to create a robust immune response for infants who otherwise may be more susceptible in their youngest days. Colostrum is highly protective for infants as well as children and adults.
Gut Health: Improved SIBO + Childhood constipation
I have also seen marked improvements in gut health for both myself and my children. I have always had issues with gut health due to antibiotic over use in my childhood and recurring strep. I was diagnosed with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) years ago. Colostrum has dramatically improved my gut’s microbiome balance and digestive system. Many functional practitioners actually use colostrum as a treatment for their patients SIBO. We also saw a resolve in childhood constipation issues within our family. Our digestive systems have seen such a drastic improvement.
Unexpected Weight loss
I have personally experienced reduction of inflammation and weight loss. I had retained some extra pounds that were impossible to lose after hormonal imbalance postpartum. I eat well and exercise frequently but the weight had been difficult to budge. I was not expecting weight loss from taking colostrum but it was a nice surprise side benefit. There are reasons why Colostrum might influence weight loss, I wrote more in depth about why colostrum could induce weight loss in my article HERE.
Overall we have seen some incredible improvements to our health. I have been able to reduce the number of supplements we take as a Family each day by consuming colostrum. In many ways it has simplified our health and wellness journey. It has also helped us save money in our supplement budget each month.
Cowboy Colostrum Flavors (+ NEW Chocolate Flavor)
Vanilla Colostrum + Unflavored Colostrum
Cowboy Colostrum creates some of the best flavors. They began with an unflavored option and a vanilla flavor. Vanilla has been my personal favorite. Many colostrum companies process their product harshly and end up stripping nutrients. Cowboy Colostrum is an unstripped colostrum and essential nutrients are retained in the process. Healthy fats are often stripped from other powders leaving them thin and less palatable. Because Cowboy Colostrum ensures all nutrients and healthy fats are kept intact, their colostrum powder remains creamy and smooth. The vanilla flavor has the most delicious and creamy taste.
All of cowboy colostrum’s flavored options are sweetened with monk fruit. This is superior to most colostrum brands because monk fruit is one of the only sugar free sweeteners that does not negatively impact the gut. In fact, it is most beneficial for those with blood sugar issues and can provide additional health benefits when consumed over artificial sweeteners. It provides the perfect amount of sweetness to the powder. This makes it easy to add to plain water or milk in a pinch.
*BRAND NEW* Chocolate Colostrum
Cowboy has JUST release a brand new flavor, Chocolate. Chocolate is a fan favorite across the board. (Almost) Everyone loves the taste and it makes for a happy daily ritual versus a task. When it comes to a well produced colostrum, you really get the best of all worlds: a robust boost of nutrients that becomes an exciting part of the day. It has the same feel and effect as sitting down for that daily cup of coffee we’ve all become accustomed to. I had already loved my daily vanilla colostrum ritual. Chocolate has been just as (maybe even more) enjoyable!
Cowboy Colostrum created their chocolate flavor using organic cacao powder and monk fruit. As mentioned above, monk fruit is a sugar free natural sweetening option. Cacao powder is made from raw cacao beans and nibs that are fermented and then roasted. As an added side benefit to the colostrum, cacao powder contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and boasts many health benefits. Cacao powder contains high amounts of the following nutrients:
- Iron
- Phosphorus
- Manganese
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Fiber
Cowboy Colostrum created this chocolate flavor without the use of synthetic flavoring or artificial sweeteners. You can be sure that the colostrum AND the additional ingredients are all healthy for you.
You may be wondering how to make colostrum as tasty as possible. It’s already delicious, but the right beverage recipe will make it one of the most pleasant experiences in your day. That’s why I’m sharing some of my favorite colostrum recipes. After some tweaking, I’ve managed to find the best drink recipes made from colostrum. A healthy chocolate milk recipe and a way to add colostrum to your daily vanilla iced latte or cold brew.
Colostrum Drink Recipes
Colostrum is a very easy supplement to take because it tastes really great. It can also be made into some really delicious drinks for both adults and kids. My Children love their daily “chocolate milk” and I love the nutrition they’re getting. We have had a smooth year when it comes to illness and I attribute much of that to colostrum’s positive effects on the immune system. I wanted to share a few of my favorite colostrum recipes so you can enjoy colostrum each day while receiving all the incredible health benefits.
Recipe #1: Healthy Colostrum “Chocolate Milk”
This is both mine and my Children’s favorite colostrum drink. Before the launch of their chocolate colostrum, I made my healthy chocolate milk recipe using the vanilla colostrum. Version 1 shows how I made it with vanilla colostrum. This version adds more of a milk chocolate and marshmallow taste thanks to the vanilla. This version is sweeter for those who prefer it. Version 2 uses the new chocolate colostrum and is more of a traditional chocolate milk flavor. Both are delicious but I wanted to include each for versatility.
Version 1: using Vanilla Colostrum
- 1/2 cup milk (of choice)
- 1 Scoop Vanilla Cowboy Colostrum
- 1/2 tsp. Cacao powder
- Maple syrup to taste
- Blend and enjoy!
Version 2: using Chocolate Colostrum
- 1/2 cup milk (of choice)
- 1 Scoop Chocolate Cowboy Colostrum
- Maple Syrup to taste
- Blend and enjoy!
Recipe #2: Vanilla Iced Coffee Latte
Colostrum can be added to your favorite coffee but it MUST be a cold coffee. You can easily add it to cold brew from the fridge each morning. You can also add it to an iced coffee after the coffee has cooled off over ice. You don’t want to lose the nutrients that deliver such remarkable health benefits by adding colostrum to a hot liquid. Some choose to add it to their coffee after it has cooled down substantially but this is still not ideal for nutrient retention. It must be room temperature at the very least.
I find that Cowboy colostrum powder adds a smooth, rich and creamy texture to coffee. It acts as a powdered creamer thanks to the healthy fats retained in their dry freeze processing. Here’s how I make a delicious Vanilla Iced Coffee Latte using Cowboy Colostrum.
- 1/3 Iced, Cold Brew Coffee or shot of espresso over ice
- 2/3 frothed milk of choice
- Maple Syrup to Taste
- 1 Scoop of Vanilla Cowboy Colostrum
- Blend and enjoy!
Recipe #3: Iced Mocha Latte
Since Cowboy Colostrum launched their Chocolate Colostrum, I have been experimenting with different recipes. I love my colostrum vanilla iced coffee. I also have a new obsession in my colostrum iced mocha latte recipe. You can’t go wrong between these two recipes. It starts my day off with a little treat and boost to my health. Here is how I make an Iced Mocha Latte with colostrum:
- 1/3 Iced, Cold Brew Coffee or shot of espresso over ice
- 2/3 frothed milk of choice
- Maple syrup to taste
- 1 Scoop of Chocolate Cowboy Colostrum
- Blend and enjoy!
You can add colostrum to anything that isn’t hot. Some find it enjoyable to add to yogurt, smoothies and more. I have also seen others consume the powder directly without adding it to any liquid at all. It is completely up to you how you decide to enjoy colostrum.
Cowboy Colostrum Discount Code
Cowboy Colostrum has generously offered a discount to all THV readers. Shop Cowboy Colostrum HERE and Use discount code: HOLISTICVANITY15 at checkout to enjoy an additional 15% off their entire line of products. You can even use this on their bundles.
Shop Cowboy Colostrum
Cowboy Colostrum offers a wide range of products and bundles. Their frother is amazing and definitely took the place of the old one I had purchased from Amazon. Their frother has kick! I personally opt for the vanilla or chocolate colostrum because it’s delicious and I can make the delicious recipes above. If you prefer to add colostrum to juice or smoothies, the unflavored is a great option as well. It really just comes down to personal preference. With the different flavors, you can make it fun.
They have recently launched single use packets which I love to use on the go or when we are travelling.
* NEW * Chocolate Colostrum
Cowboy Starter Kit: Vanilla
Starter Kit: Unflavored
Ranchers Starter Kit
Vanilla Colostrum
Unflavored Colostrum
Rancher’s Bundle
2-Pack Vanilla
2-Pack Unflavored
Double Whisk Frother
More Info + Articles on Colostrum:
- 10 Incredible Health Benefits of Bovine Colostrum
- Colostrum and the Immune System: How it protects you from getting sick
- Colostrum and weight loss: How does it work?
- Cowboy Colostrum vs. ARMRA Colostrum: What’s the difference?
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