Colostrum has been trending in the health world recently. The truth is, Colostrum is actually an age old superfood that isn’t new at all. But people are finally catching on to it’s numerous health benefits. Colostrum contains a dense amount of different nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, antibodies. beneficial proteins, leukocytes and more. It is no wonder it’s been nicknamed “liquid gold”. This high level of nutrient density provides the human body with a vast number of health benefits. You can read more about the different health benefits HERE. But, some benefits come as a welcomed surprise. There is one health benefits in particular that is surprisingly not discussed as much: weight loss. It comes as a shock that in a society where weight loss is so heavily marketed that this benefit would be gate kept or hidden. But many have experienced a pleasant side benefit: colostrum for weight loss.
* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *
* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **
Can Colostrum help with Weight loss?
YES!! but how?
Because weight loss has been so heavily marketed with gimmicky products that don’t work, it often makes sense that many would be skeptical of this claim. There are a lot of products out there that promise a drastic drop in weight but never deliver. Colostrum has never been marketed as a weight loss supplement. In reality, it doesn’t need the added accolades because it already offers a wide range of benefits outside of weight management. But I am quite confident that most individuals taking colostrum for the health wouldn’t mind the added side benefit of colostrum for weight loss.
It is important to come into this information with a reasonable mindset. Colostrum may not cause an immediate drop in pounds in a short period of time for most people. That being said, it contains MANY nutrients that would optimize the body to maintain a healthy weight or lose unnecessary pounds. Afterall, it isn’t healthy to drop weight too quickly. The goal is to move steady and slow when it comes to weight loss. Moving too quickly often results in a yo-yo style of dieting where weight will return as quickly as it came off.
When individuals have extra weight to lose, it is often due to a number of factors within the body. It is rarely one thing. Our bodies need nourishment at a deeper level to maintain a proper weight. When that nourishment isn’t delivered to the cells as need, a number of events can occur within the body which sometimes results in unwanted pounds. The same goes for those who need to gain weight. If we aren’t nourishing our bodies at the deepest levels, our bodies function sub-optimally. This can result in improper weight management.
Colostrum for weight loss may not be the golden ticket on its own. For example, you can’t expect to lose weight if you continue to eat poorly and never move your body while taking colostrum. That being said, colostrum could be the boost one might need if they are struggling to lose weight despite their healthy habits. I have personally seen a slow and steady weight loss while taking colostrum. Prior to this I was spinning my wheels with a very healthy diet and lots of exercise while not seeing results. I can certainly say that colostrum has improved my gut health among other things and I have welcomed the sneaky side benefit of weight loss. I was not originally taking colostrum for weight loss. Rather I was trying to improve my gut health, increase iron levels and support my immune system. But since I have noticed weight loss from taking colostrum, I dug further into the reasons why this may be happening and stumbled across a lot of compelling information that supports why this happened for me.
6 Reasons Colostrum Can Cause Weight loss
Taking Colostrum improves many functions within the human body. Optimizing these functions are the reason why many take colostrum for weight loss. When the body is functioning at optimal level it can set off a cascade of positive effects. As I mentioned above, I was taking colostrum primarily to improve my gut lining which had been compromised for a variety of reasons. It comes as no surprise that improvement in gut health would result in some weight loss. But colostrums benefit go beyond just gut health and many of these areas of the body are highly linked with one’s ability to lose weight. I dug into the research and found 8 convincing health benefits of colostrum that could all have a hand in healthy weight management at the end of the day. Let’s dig in.
1. Improves Gut Health
Colostrum is a great supplement for those who want to clear up any digestive issues related to the gut. If you experience bloating, gas, constipation, etc. colostrum can help clear up some of those symptoms. Colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins, growth factors and antimicrobial agents. all of which support a healthy gut. These nutrients allow for better nutrient absorption, enhanced immune function (which resides primarily in the gut), and a diverse microbiome.
Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) play a crucial role within the gut. They support the gut and body’s ability to fight off harmful bacteria, viruses and toxins. These pathogens often have a hand in creating poor gut health when allowed to flourish. This results in a poor immune response as well as many different conditions associated with the gut. Conditions such as SIBO, IBS, and simply a poor overall ability to absorb nutrients are huge risk factors when it comes to unhealthy weight. SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is a condition that occurs when a gut has an unhealthy imbalance between good and bad bacteria within the microbiome. If the microbiome is compromised and leans towards more bad bacteria, this often results in the common condition SIBO. One of the most prominent and unwanted symptom related to SIBO is weight gain. It would only make sense that establishing a more balanced microbiome via immunoglobulins that attack bad bacteria would result in welcomed weight loss.
Lactoferritin is a protein that is abundant in colostrum. Lactoferritin contains anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and immuno-modulatory properties that fight against unhealthy bacteria in the gut. Just like immunoglobulins, they help establish a healthier balance of bacteria within the gut microbiome. Lactoferritin is particularly helpful for those who have experienced impaired gut health from antibiotic use. In addition to that, it supports a healthy stress response in the body and manages cortisol levels. Stress and high levels of cortisol are highly linked to weight gain as the body holds on to excess weight in moments of stress as a protective measure.
Growth Factors such as growth factor beta (TGF-B) are the nutrients found in colostrum that help repair the gut lining. Our gut lining is the barrier that helps keep the contents of the gut contained from the rest of the body. When this barrier is compromised, we experience a common condition called “leaky gut”. Leaky gut is the erosion of the intestinal lining which allows the contents of the digestive system to leak into other parts of the body. Weight gain is a main symptom of a compromised intestinal lining thanks to the irritation, inflammation and leaked toxic waste into various parts of the body.
Prebiotic compounds such as oligosaccharides are found within colostrum. These provide the gut with a healthy amount of beneficial bacteria. These gut healthy microbes provide the groundwork for a health and balanced microbiome. Recent research suggests a the inherent link between a healthy balanced microbiome and our ability to lose weight. According to an article by Dong. S., 2021, the gut microbiome can predict an individuals ability to lose weight. Individuals who completed the study showed significant reduction in weight, body mass index, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, and triglyceride. They concluded that healthy gut microbiota was a major factor.
The study found that gut microbiome associated with bacterial replication and the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins greatly predicts a weight loss response. In other words, your gut health and your microbiome status greatly reflect your weight loss journey. Many of us have experienced a number of factors that have led to an unhealthy gut. Whether that is medication use, birth control pills, antibiotic use, poor diet, etc. These factors all play a role in whether or not our body can easily lose weight. Therefor, supporting your gut health is a major key when it comes to successfully losing weight. Colostrum offers numerous nutrients in high doses which could help establish a healthier overall gut, microbiome and lining.
2. Helps Reduce Inflammation
Colostrum is rich in many anti-inflammatory properties that would help reduce overall inflammation in the gut and the body. While a reduction of inflammation comes with a number of associated health benefits, it also focuses on the body’s ability to lose weight. Inflammation is highly linked with obesity and one of the most prominent symptoms of chronic inflammation is unintended weight gain.
There are a number of diets out there targeted towards weight loss. An anti-inflammatory diet is a popular choice among dieticians and individuals. This is due to the fact that inflammation can cause unwanted weight gain. Because of stress, poor modern diets, the rise in the use of conventional medications, and other factors, inflammation has become common. If you want to lose weight, inflammation is something to address.
Colostrum helps to reduce overall inflammation within the body by several factors. The presence of immunoglobulins, growth factors, cytokines and anti-inflammatory compounds such as: lactoferritin, lactoperidoxidase and lysozyme all help to reduce inflammatory markers. A 2018 study found that bovine colostrum reduced inflammatory markers and gut inflammation in athletes. While a 2016 study found that colostrum reduced gut inflammation in patients with IBD (inflammatory bowl disease). This concludes that all individuals, healthy or not, experience colostrum’s ability to reduce inflammation within the body.
3. Supports Insulin Sensitivity (Blood Sugar Regulation)
Among it’s many superpowers, colostrum has a major hand in proper blood sugar regulation. When your blood sugar is balanced, your body is more likely to use stored fat for energy. This in turn supports your weight loss goals. Additionally, good metabolic health can increase insulin sensitivity, making it easier for your cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and reducing the likelihood of excess glucose being stored as fat.
Poor blood sugar regulation can cause your blood sugar levels to be elevated for longer periods of time. This extended elevation is associated with weight gain. Therefor, supporting ones insulin sensitivity can be a major factor in one’s ability to lose weight. Colostrum has been shown to support healthy blood sugar regulation by it’s ability to facilitate the movement of glucose to the muscle for expenditure rather than fat accumulation. A 2009 study following both diabetic men and women concluded that supplementation of bovine colostrum resulted in blood glucose levels decreasing over the course of the experiment. The results suggested that Bovine Colostrum is successful in reducing blood glucose as well as cholesterol.
This reduction in blood sugar levels from Colostrum is due to the presence of a growth factor known as IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). A 1990 study focused on the use of Bovine Colostrum in diabetic patients and it’s ability to reduce blood sugar due to the presence of IGF-1. They found that IGF-1 levels are lower in individuals with insulin sensitivity and diabetes. Through this experiment, they concluded that the presence of IGF-1 found within bovine colostrum can stimulate glucose utilization. Doctors and Researchers noticed a two-fold increase in glucose transport to the muscles. Transport of glucose to the muscles results in the body using it for energy rather than storing it as fat.
** Note: It is so important to source a high quality colostrum supplement to gain all the benefits. A 2022 study found that bovine colostrum supplements made with colostrum collected within 2 hours worked better in lowering blood glucose levels compared to supplements made with colostrum collected after 2 hours. There are very few colostrum supplement companies that uphold this standard, but the brand I use personally DOES in fact ensure they gather first milk within the first few hours to ensure higher bio-actives and benefits. You can read more about this, how to choose the best quality colostrum and my suggested colostrum supplement in my article HERE. **
4. Balances Hormone Levels
Hormones are a particularly interesting topic as it pertains to weight loss, especially for Women. Hormones fluctuate naturally to keep the body and it’s processes in rhythm. However, there are many things in our environment that influence our hormones to fluctuate too much and in the wrong directions. Imbalanced hormones can lead to many different uncomfortable symptoms and conditions. One of the most popular unwanted symptom from hormone imbalance: weight gain.
The truth is, hormones can affect both Men and Women. That being said, Women undergo constant hormone fluctuation due to their cycles. They also experience major shifts during childbearing years, perimenopause and menopause. It seems as though every 5-8 years we hit another hormone milestone and things change. These shifts are natural, however, there are additional shifts and imbalances that can occur due to our environment, phytoestrogens in our products and even from over-use of certain medications such as birth control. Some of these scenarios are out of our control and leave us with imbalanced hormones and a handful of unwanted symptoms. Weight gain due to hormone imbalance is a massive topic when it comes to Women’s health.
Good news is, due to the presence of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), colostrum can be helpful at maintaining a proper hormone balance. IGF-1 helps to synthesize serotonin, inhibit hormone related mood issues, and mitigate poor blood sugar regulation as we discussed above. It also helps modulate hormones responses within the body. When hormones are balanced, weight loss resistance decreases making it much easier to shed unwanted pounds.
5. Enhances your Metabolism & Promotes Fat Burning
Your Metabolism is the chemical process that occurs within the body when it converts food and drinks into energy. This process combines calories and oxygen to create and release energy. It is used to produce the energy your body requires to function. A fast metabolism refers to someone whose body uses the energy from food and drinks quickly and efficiently for energy. A slow metabolism takes more time and this can often result in some of the calories from food and drink being stored as fat. There are a number of factors that influence ones metabolism. The fact is, a faster metabolism is often associated with a healthy weight or weight loss while a slower metabolism is associated with weight gain.
Colostrum two very important things that help boost metabolism. Leptin and IGF-1 are both key components that work to regulate metabolism, control appetite and convert fat into usable energy. Bovine Colostrum is full of nutrients that help to increase your metabolic rate and stimulate faster digestive activity.
6. Increases Lean Body Mass
Another major topic when it comes to weight loss is body composition. The number that shows up on the scale isn’t the only important piece of weight loss. Body composition or refers to the distribution of fat, muscle, bone, and other tissues that make up your body. It is often expressed as the percentage of total body weight that consists of fat and/or lean body mass. Lean body mass or muscle is often heavier on a scale BUT it takes up less space than unhealth fat accumulation. Many exercise routines often call for weight training for it’s ability to increase lean muscle mass and muscle which in turn dissolves and replaces fat. If you want to lose weight and look smaller, increasing lean body mass is the way to go.
A 2001 Study showed that Colostrum has been shown to help active men and women achieve more lean body mass than those who were not supplementing it. Over a period of 8 weeks, participants who supplemented with bovine colostrum alongside their exercise routine displayed a significant increase in lean body mass versus the control group. This support to body composition in those who exercise is a promising finding in terms of weight loss and a healthier/smaller body composition.
The Best Colostrum for Weight loss
We’ve gone through the ways that colostrum can successfully help with weight loss. It is unique in that it supports MULTIPLE processes associated with weight loss. Bovine colostrum contains hundreds of nutrients and bio-actives which target many different areas of the body. Now that we understand this, we can move on to choosing the best colostrum supplement to support your overall health and weight loss goals.
When it comes to sourcing a quality colostrum it can be difficult to wade through all of the new companies jumping on this trend and colostrums viral jump into the health and wellness space. I took a lot of time to look at the differences between colostrum brands and what sets the best quality apart from the lowest quality. Some brands have done a great job with marketing but that doesn’t mean they are the best option. My favorite colostrum and the best quality I have found is Cowboy Colostrum. For so many reasons they sit at the top and are more affordable than many. I wrote an entire blog post comparing Cowboy Colostrum to another popular brand and outlined what you need to look for when choosing a good colostrum HERE.
In summary, Cowboy Colostrum holds the highest standards and the following benefits:
- FDA Dietary Supplement
- Manufactured in GMP certified facility
- Bovine Colostrum collected from Grade A USA Dairy Farms
- Strict Internal and third party lab analysis for purity and potency
- No stripping of Essential Nutrients
- Antibiotic Free
- Kosher
- Non GMO
- First Milking Quality Standard
- Calf First Commitment
- ALWAYS free of: Antibiotics, Pesticides, Flow agents, Gluten, Hormones, Fillers, Preservatives, Artificial sweeteners
When it comes to quality, Cowboy Colostrum holds a First Milking Quality Standard. This means they collect their colostrum within the first few hours of being produced. Many other companies collect much later. First Milking Colostrum has more nutrients and bio-actives and therefor delivers more health benefits. As we’ve discovered, weight loss associated with colostrum intake hinges on the nutrients found within it’s makeup.
Shop Cowboy Colostrum
In addition to being more affordable, Cowboy Colostrum also generously offered a discount to all THV readers. Shop Cowboy Colostrum HERE and Use discount code: HOLISTICVANITY15 at checkout to enjoy an additional 15% off their entire line of products. You can even use this on their bundles.
I hope this comparison was both educational and a helpful deep dive into the nitty gritty so you are able to choose what product is right for you and your family.

* NEW * Chocolate Colostrum

Cowboy Starter Kit: Vanilla

Starter Kit: Unflavored

Ranchers Starter Kit

Vanilla Colostrum

Unflavored Colostrum

Rancher’s Bundle

2-Pack Vanilla

2-Pack Unflavored

Double Whisk Frother
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can colostrum help you lose weight?
- Dong, S. et Al (2021). The Intestinal Microbiome Predicts Weight Loss on a Calorie-Restricted Diet and Is Associated With Improved Hepatic Steatosis. Sec. Nutrition and Microbes, Volume 8 ,
- Davison, G., Marchbank, T., March, D. S., Thatcher, R., Playford, R. J. (2018). Bovine colostrum supplementation reduces intestinal permeability and inflammation at rest and after exercise in healthy young men. European Journal of Nutrition, 57(3), 1059-1070. doi: 10.1007/s00394-017-1403-x
- Kıyıcı, A., Güzel, N. A., Vatansev, H., Balcı, S. Ö., & Öztürk, A. (2016). Oral colostrum therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 50(Suppl. 1), S30-S33. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000526
- Kim, J. H., Jung, W. S., Choi, N. J., Kim, D. O., Shin, D. H., & Kim, Y. J. (2009). Health-promoting effects of bovine colostrum in Type 2 diabetic patients can reduce blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride and ketones. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 20(4), 298–303.
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- Mehra, R., Garhwal, R., Sangwan, K., Guiné, R. P. F., Lemos, E. T., Buttar, H. S., Visen, P. K. S., Kumar, N., Bhardwaj, A., & Kumar, H. (2022). Insights into the Research Trends on Bovine Colostrum: Beneficial Health Perspectives with Special Reference to Manufacturing of Functional Foods and Feed Supplements. Nutrients, 14(3), 659.
- Antonio, J., Sanders, M. S., & Van Gammeren, D. (2001). The effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.), 17(3), 243–247.
[…] You can read 6 MORE Reasons why Colostrum helps with Weight loss HERE. […]
[…] This isn’t the only health benefit associated with colostrum. In fact, there have been many documented health benefits noted from consuming colostrum. These benefits have been backed up by research and anecdotal evidence. The best part? The benefits of consuming colostrum are equally as beneficial to adult humans. You can read all about the numerous health benefits associated with consuming colostrum HERE. There are many and I have experienced a number of them since adding it to my daily supplements. One unexpected side benefit I experienced when consuming colostrum was weight loss, you can read about my experience and the reasons behind how colostrum helps with weight loss HERE. […]