Food & Recipes Health & Wellness

Cowboy Colostrum Vs. ARMRA Colostrum: What’s the Difference

October 29, 2024

There is no doubting the benefits of bovine colostrum. It is an incredible traditional source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is known for it’s health benefits such as bolstering the immune system and gut health. If you want to learn about 10 major benefits of colostrum, you can head to my blog post HERE. Now that colostrum has had a bit of a popularity boost, there is a bit of confusion over which brand is best. There is one very popular brand on the market that has done a great job with their marketing called ARMRA. However, I personally believe there is a better option. Cowboy Colostrum is giving ARMRA a run for their money. These two options are both good quality, but they differ for a variety of reasons. I am running through the differences between Cowboy Colostrum vs. ARMRA Colostrum so you can decide which may be best for you.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **

Health Benefits of Bovine Colostrum

Colostrum is incredibly important being it’s the first source of nutrition we receive from out Mother’s in our first days of life. It is one of the most nutrient dense superfoods known to man because it naturally serves a purpose to provide infants with the vast amount of nutrition they require to boost their systems from the start of life. Colostrum is produced by all mammals and gives infants the nutrition they need to thrive and grow into healthy adults. It protects and strengthens the mucosal barrier of infants before their own barrier matures. Colostrum has been given the name “liquid gold” because it acts as an immune blueprint and it’s health benefits are unparalleled. To date, there are over 5000 research papers documenting the health benefits of colostrum at ALL stages of life.

Bovine colostrum intake has been associated with a vast number of health benefits and many take it for it’s ability to bolster the immune system It has been proven to reduce the number of respiratory and GI tract infections (colds, flus, etc.). This, along with many other healthy benefits, is why many choose to supplement colostrum beyond the infant stage of life.   It is comprised of prebiotics, probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It has over 400 living bioactive nutrients.

As it pertains to immune and gut health, Colostrum is successful at improving a level found within our guts called ‘secretory IgA’. This marker is indicative of immune health within the gut. It is important to understand that 70-80% of our immune function lives within the mucosal layer of our gut. Low secratory IgA has been associated with many conditions and situations such as use of birth control, use of antibiotics, SIBO, IBS and more. By adding colostrum to your regimen, you can improve your gut lining thereby improving the levels of secretory IgA within the gut. This leads to a stronger gut and digestive system as well as a stronger immune system overall. This is one of the largest components associated with improved gut and immune health from colostrum. When our gut health is strong, we see improvements in immune function, hair, skin, nails, weight management, and so many other things. The massive dose of nutrients from this single ancient superfood supplement has such an incredible impact on our health.


Cowboy Colostrum vs ARMRA: Intro

The fact is, colostrum has ALWAYS been here. It isn’t a brand new invention or a trend. Rather it is one of the most important things you can consume for your health. That is why it is important that when you consume colostrum, you are consuming a pure good quality colostrum. Sourcing the best colostrum all comes down to it being as pure and untouched as possible. The more processing and stripping that occurs, the further away you get from the major source of nutrition and health benefits it has to offer.

Another important topic to address is the cost factor. I have my own personal favorite brand that I’ve taken and have seen major improvements in my health. I have chosen this based on a number of factors that I will address below. But many have asked me how it stands up to one of the most marketed and popular brands of colostrum, ARMRA. ARMRA hit the wellness market in 2020 with a massive marketing campaign. It is certainly a high quality supplement but there are a few reasons why I opt for my own choice of colostrum, Cowboy Colostrum. For those who want to get into the nitty gritty and understand what it takes to be a superior colostrum on the market, I will run through the similarities and differences below.


Cowboy Colostrum vs. ARMRA: Cost Factor, Marketing, etc.

First I want to start by addressing the fact that neither of these brands are bad. In fact, they are both wonderful supplements you can take to bolster your health. That being said, I have found Cowboy Colostrum to have a few extra benefits that pertain to sourcing, quality and price which tip the scales in their favor. I would happily consume either of these colostrum products, however, I have always been incredibly conscious of what supplements I choose to spend my money on. I also like to look beyond a well laid out and flashy marketing campaign to really understand which product is better for me.

When it comes to choosing the best colostrum, price is important as it pertains to accessibility. It doesn’t always make sense to go for the very cheapest option on the market, as it can speak to quality and ingredient sourcing issues. That being said, sometimes certain brands will create a higher profit margin for themselves with their pricing. They also work the cost of their marketing into their costs at times if it works for them. The more marketing, the more expenses driving up their business costs, which sometimes results in higher product cost to the customer.

ARMRA hit the ground running with a well established marketing plan. I started to see their brand all over my social media. Many top influencers had the product in their hands offering some bias of opinion through high paid ad deals. I am not against ad deals in their entirety but there is no doubt money can sway an opinion. I always take these ads and paid partnerships with a grain of salt. Ad deals are often high paid and I think it can be very important to look at the quality of the product, certifications of authenticity, testing certificates, and other factors beyond clever marketing. It is important to look at the entire picture.

On the other hand, Cowboy Colostrum is a small female owned business. They are starting without investors paying for ad deals and flashy marketing. This is a real grass roots company and I have had the pleasure of being able to discuss their colostrum with the owners personally. They are a wonderful female duo who have worked very hard to get their business off the ground. When I first started taking Cowboy Colostrum over a year ago, they were very open and gracious with me. They took the time to answer questions and explain their processes. They didn’t give run of the mill answers. Rather, their answers just showed their passion behind their business and the colostrum they produce.

Cowboy Colostrum vs. ARMRA Price Breakdown

Colostrum is a limited resource. It comes from cows who have just given birth. Both ARMRA and Cowboy Colostrum ensure that calves are provided with the colostrum they need first. Calf first colostrum commitment is a standard I always ensure when I am sourcing a brand to choose. Calf first standards are important as they serve the animals and ensure their long term health, but this also limits the resource further. It is another reason why colostrum isn’t an inexpensive supplement. Colostrum isn’t produced in abundance, it is often expensive. When I see very inexpensive options on the market, it makes me wonder if it is pure colostrum or if it has been mixed with fillers to bring cost down. That being said, there is still room for brands to inflate prices further and increase their profit margins. This results in a higher cost for the customer.

When it comes down to product pricing, Cowboy Colostrum is a more affordable option. Cowboy Colostrum offers an unflavored 4.8 oz. jar for $98.00 while ARMRA  offers their unflavored jar containing of 4.2 oz. for $109.99. While the cost difference isn’t staggering, cowboy colostrum is more affordable and provides more product within their jars when comparing these two side by side.


Cowboy Colostrum vs. ARMRA: Sourcing and Quality


Calf First Commitment

Next, I wanted to compare the sourcing and quality of colostrum between Cowboy Colostrum vs. ARMRA.

As mentioned above, both of these companies hold a calf first commitment. This means that the calf is provided with the colostrum they need first before the rest is collected to powder into a supplement. Cowboy Colostrum ensures the calves are given what they need based on their own natural feeding schedule. They are not pulled off prematurely based on what the farmer deems appropriate. They are allotted full feeds as nature would dictate it and then the surplus is taken for supplement. ARMRA states on their website that they also have a calf first commitment although do not seem to provide much detail beyond this. Regardless, it is important to know that the company is allowing their calves to gather the colostrum they require in their first days of life. Both Cowboy Colostrum and ARMRA have committed to this which I value strongly.

Many are concerned with the fact that sourcing colostrum may be taking away from the calves. The fact is, cows produce far more colostrum than their calves could ever consume. This surplus generally becomes waste in the dairy industry. This is horrifying for those of us who understand the health benefits being tossed into the trash as it pertains to colostrum. Throwing out liquid gold like this is not ideal. So the fact that we understand the benefits of bovine colostrum for humans and can mitigate this waste by using it for a great purpose, is actually fantastic. So long as the company adheres to a calf first commitment policy, you can be assured that calves will certainly receive the colostrum and nutrition they require as infants.


First Milking Colostrum

Cowboy Colostrum also states that they collect first milking colostrum. ‘First milking’ refers to the colostrum collected within the first 4-6 hours following the birth of the calf. Colostrum within this window has the highest level of bio actives and is of the highest quality. Most colostrum companies provide a mix of first, second and third milking colostrum while Cowboy commits to only providing first milking colostrum. This speaks to quality of the supplement and the level of dedication it takes working with their farmers.


Glyphosate Free Colostrum

Both Cowboy Colostrum and ARMRA provide colostrum from grass fed cows. Cows that are grass fed provide a much high quality colostrum and are healthier overall. The alternative is grain fed cows which does not provide adequate nutrition to the cows. This artificial diet has a major effect on the nutritional composition of beef, milk or colostrum and lowers their quality considerably. Grass fed and Grain fed cows offer completely different standards in terms of product they produce. Their fatty acid compounds, natural source of vitamins and antioxidants are much superior when cows are provided with a grass fed diet. In addition to this, grains fed to cows are almost exclusively genetically modified (GMO) which transfers into the foods you are consuming.

Thankfully both Cowboy and ARMRA provide colostrum from grass fed cows.


Sourcing & Farmer Relationships

Both companies source their colostrum from farms in the USA. ARMRA upholds that their colostrum comes from a number of US grass fed farmers. This is fantastic to hear, but I was able to receive a bit of a deeper glimpse into the process of sourcing from Cowboy. I truly do appreciate the time the owners gave me to ask all the hard questions. They offered a great deal of transparency and showed such a high level of dedication and passion towards every step of their formulation. Cowboy educated me on their processes and explained how they searched high and low for a farmer that would also keep their standards. They search for months on end to find a supplier/farmer they trusted and who would uphold all of their standards. Thankfully they found a fourth generation dairy farmer who opened his own freeze dry facility to process colostrum right on the spot for Cowboy. They certainly uphold all of the standards that Cowboy set out to promise and have a business that produces high quality, unstripped colostrum while still maintaining happy mama and baby cows. It is a best case scenario when it comes to a farmer who supplies high quality product and standards. “I can promise you, there is no better quality colostrum product on the market” – Cowboy Owners.

Processing + Stripping of Essential Nutrients

One of the major factors that leads me to choose Cowboy over ARMRA is that Cowboy Colostrum does not strip their colostrum of nutrients during processing. One of the benefits of colostrum comes from the level of healthy fats found within the colostrum. These fats provide a myriad of nutrients and health benefits as compared to companies who strip the colostrum of this essential nutrient. ARMRA’s colostrum is stripped of fats and therefor does not hold some of the benefits from consuming an intact colostrum. Cowboy’s colostrum is “un-tweaked” in a lab and left the way nature intended it, at it’s highest level of benefits for the body.

In addition to losing some health benefits, stripping fats from colostrum can render the supplement as less palatable. I love the creamy, rich texture and taste of Cowboy Colostrum. When added to milk, coffee or even homemade hot chocolate for my children, it provides that smooth creamer effect. It is delicious and my children especially love when I make their favorite “vanilla ice cream drink” which is comprised of milk, Cowboy vanilla colostrum, and maple syrup. You can find the full recipe HERE. ARMRA’s colostrum is thinner and I don’t find that it tastes as good when added to coffees or other beverages.


Ingredient Decks (Sweeteners + Additives)

Another factor I look at when it comes to choosing a colostrum is their ingredient decks.  I want to be sure that there aren’t any additives or sweeteners that upset or disrupt my stomach. When comparing the two decks, ARMRA adds citric acid to their ingredients which isn’t the end of the world but I prefer to opt for cowboy who don’t add this ingredient at all. While it can be hard to completely avoid citric acid in one’s diet, if I can avoid it, I will. Citric acid is often produced from a type of mold and used as an additive. They can cause adverse reactions in some people.

I also noticed that ARMRA uses stevia leaf to sweeten their colostrum while Cowboy uses a superior option: monk fruit. Stevia is a sugar alcohol that has been known to cause digestive upset. It has also been associated with elevated liver enzymes. Just like citric acid, stevia is often found in many things so total avoidance isn’t necessarily the goal. But, if you can find a product that doesn’t contain stevia, that is ideal. Because I take colostrum to help support my gut after bouts of digestive upset from past SIBO, I would rather take the option without stevia leaf to avoid further digestive discomfort.

Cowboy uses my favorite form of sweetener called Monk Fruit. Monk fruit sweetener is made from the extract derived from dried fruit. The extract is 150-250 times sweeter than table sugar, has zero calories and carbs, and does not raise blood glucose levels. Most non-nutritive sweeteners can cause side effects like gas, bloating, or allergic reactions. And some artificial sweeteners like Equal and Splenda are controversial. In the case of monk fruit sweeteners, there are no known side effects. Monk fruit is thought to be anti-inflammatory and helpful with managing weight and diabetes. That said, more research is needed.

ARMRA Ingredient Deck: Proprietary ARMRA Colostrum™ Concentrate (Bovine), Organic Natural Flavor, Citric Acid, Organic Stevia Leaf Extract, Organic Annatto Extract (for color).

Cowboy Colostrum Ingredient Deck: Grass-fed Bovine Colostrum, Organic Natural Vanilla Flavor, Organic Monk Fruit Extract, Sea Salt.


My Favorite Colostrum Breakdown: Cowboy Colostrum

When it comes to choosing a colostrum, I really had to dive past fancy marketing and terms stated on websites. What I found was both of these companies hold good standards and produce a good product. I also found that Cowboy stays true to the integrity of colostrum. Their colostrum is pure, untouched, and does not strip integral nutrients and healthy fats that offer a wide range of health benefits. They offer a first milking standard which is not seen across the board when it comes to most colostrum brands. Many brands will try to talk around this by stating it doesn’t affect the quality of their colostrum, but the fact remains: first milking colostrum obtained within the first 4-6 hours post birth provides the MOST nutrients and a superior colostrum. I personally love the taste of cowboy more thanks to their dedication to keeping their colostrum intact and avoiding the stripping of healthy fats. It is smooth. rich and creamy as compared to ARMRA who strip the fats leaving a thinner consistency. Lastly, Cowboy offers a more affordable price for their products. Because of their superior quality and taste, lack of stripping, first milking standard and affordability, I personally opt for Cowboy Colostrum over any other brand.


Cowboy Colostrum Testing + Certifications

Along with all of the incredible quality standards I listed above, Cowboy goes above and beyond to ensure they are delivering the best product to your hands. They have ensured that they take every step to provide quality colostrum. I wanted to give a quick outline of their testing, certifications and benefits in a list below:

  • FDA Dietary Supplements
  • Manufactured in GMP certified facility
  • Bovine Colostrum collected from Grade A USA Dairy Farms
  • Strict Internal and third party lab analysis for purity and potency
  • No stripping of Essential Nutrients
  • Antibiotic Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • First Milking Quality Standard
  • Calf First Commitment
  • ALWAYS free of: Antibiotics, Pesticides, Flow agents, Gluten, Hormones, Fillers, Preservatives, Artificial sweeteners


Cowboy Colostrum Discount Code

In addition to being more affordable, Cowboy Colostrum also generously offered a discount to all THV readers. Shop Cowboy Colostrum HERE and Use discount code: HOLISTICVANITY15 at checkout to enjoy an additional 15% off their entire line of products. You can even use this on their bundles.

I hope this comparison was both educational and a helpful deep dive into the nitty gritty so you are able to choose what product is right for you and your family.


Shop Cowboy Colostrum

Cowboy Colostrum offers a wide range of products and bundles. Their frother is amazing and definitely took the place of the old one I had purchased from Amazon. Their frother has kick! I personally opt for the vanilla colostrum because it’s delicious and I can mix it into my own iced coffee and milk for my kids. I love adding a little bit of maple syrup and cocoa powder as a homemade healthy chocolate milk at dinner for my entire family. Trust me, you have to try it!

They have recently launched single use packets which I love to use on the go or when we are travelling. I typically purchase the double pack of vanilla flavored colostrum to have at home.


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