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Health & Wellness

With everything we are exposed to these days, it is so important to keep health and wellness a top priority. It can be difficult to know where to start when keeping a healthy home and family. These articles will help guide you to thrive when it comes to your level of health and wellness.

Health & Wellness Healthy Home

Health Benefits of Air Purifiers

December 7, 2023

Have you ever wondered if an Air Purifier is something you should have in your home? Are you curious about how or  if they actually work? Air quality is arguably one of the most important topics of discussion when it comes to health and wellness.  Air is the one thing we cannot live without. We breathe it all day everyday and our lungs are incredibly important to our overall health. They are something we want to take good care of because they work around the clock transporting oxygen to our bloodstream. The best way to ensure you aren’t compromising the health of your lungs is by ensuring they aren’t breathing in any harmful toxic contaminants. We certainly know to avoid things like smoking and fumes, but it goes beyond that. Here’s a breakdown of why having an air purifier in your home is an important step in protecting you and your families health.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

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Health & Wellness Healthy Home

The Best Organic and Non Toxic Mattress: Obasan Review

October 8, 2020

I had kept my eyes on the market for the best organic and non-toxic mattress for a few years, knowing that I would have to upgrade my youngest to a big bed eventually. That time has come and passed, and so I wanted to let you in on the process of purchasing a brand new mattress that was as healthy as possible for his little growing body. There are so many things to consider when it comes to investing in an organic mattress. I wanted to share some of the things I learned while researching the best organic and non-toxic mattresses. And why I landed on the option we did.

* This items in this post were gifted to me by Obasan. As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. After testing these products for minimum 60 days, this is my honest review. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

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Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

Organic First Aid Kit for on the Go (What’s in my Purse)

August 1, 2020

Over the years, I have managed to find some of the best quality on the go first aid items to keep in my purse. When you’re out and about with Children its quite often you might find yourself in need of an item for a bruise or a cut. If you don’t have it, then there’s the inconvenient rush to the nearest pharmacy to purchase an option you wouldn’t necessarily opt for. I don’t like being in a pinch when it comes to this scenario and I’m not always going to be near a health food store that can supply me with the options I have vetted over the years, so I have created a little pouch of natural health supports for every scenario I could think of. I continue to add as I go but being over 5 years into Motherhood, I’ve pretty much nailed down most of the necessities. These options aren’t just for kids, you can carry these around for yourself and to have on hand to offer to others if they are in need.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

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Health & Wellness

The 3 Most Effective & Natural Headache Remedies

June 24, 2020

Headaches are something we’ve all dealt with, I’ve been dealing with more of them particularly since having my children. It’s the one thing that has lingered since my pregnancies and despite living a healthy lifestyle I still find myself getting tension headaches at least a few times monthly. While that may not be as bad as some people have to face, its not fun. Having to parent children who love to make noise and explore at the same time can be challenging when your head is throbbing. So I generally need some sort of relief.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

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Green Beauty Health & Wellness

How to Treat The 3 Most Common Postpartum Skin Concerns Naturally

May 17, 2020

Any Woman who has had children can tell you that the body you once knew becomes a land of discoveries after birth. You experience a lot of changes, some that stay and some that are temporary. Many are hormone induced while others are simply because you just created life.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

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Food & Recipes Health & Wellness

Zucchini Brownie Recipe: Healthy & Antioxidant Rich

March 10, 2020

I love to create healthier versions of recipes and treats. Having children, I want them to enjoy delicious foods but with ingredients that are nourishing to the body without compromising the taste. I had heard that using shredded zucchini in baking was amazing for creating chewy treats so I played around with this recipe to make it healthy, delicious and simple. Trust me on this one, only 8 simple ingredients and It’s GOOD!

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Food & Recipes Health & Wellness

Healthy + Vegetable Packed Carrot Cake Muffins (Vegan Option)

February 20, 2020

Muffins are an amazing way to get nutrient dense foods in one big swoop. I love getting new muffin recipes..the best thing about muffins is that you can pack a ton of healthy and nourishing ingredients in them. Even the pickiest of eaters are more likely to eat a muffin that’s filled with foods they wouldn’t normally eat separated. I have home made muffins on hand almost every week for my entire family to grab on the go. They make for the easiest breakfast during busy school mornings and they are a food that is well loved by my Baby. He gobbles them up! I like to play around with recipes and this is a mix of a few of my own recipes and one that my friend gave to me recently. It’s a spin on carrot cake, my absolute favourite.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *


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Green Beauty Health & Wellness

What are Ceramides? Skincare Benefits of Ceramides and Why you Should Add them to your Routine

February 14, 2020

Ceramides have been shown to have a drastic effect on the health and vitality of ones skin. Recent studies have shown dramatic results from topical application of Ceramides which are found naturally in the skin. Ceramides deplete naturally over time, causing a string of symptoms and effects to the skin. To better understand ceramides and their role in skin health, I’ve put together this article. I will address what ceramides are, the symptoms of ceramide depletion, it’s role in aging and inflammatory skin diseases, and my favourite ceramide rich skincare products.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *


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Green Beauty Health & Wellness

Do you have Sensitive Skin? You may need to avoid fragrance in skincare

February 11, 2020

Did you know that a number of people cannot tolerate fragrances (even natural ones) in their skincare? And that they are commonly used in skincare products? If your skin fits into a certain subtype, you might be doing more harm than good when it comes to the products you choose. Whip synthetic fragrance is generally a no no, this post is not meant to vilify natural scents such as essential oils (as they are an incredible medicinal addition to any holistic lifestyle), but as with anything, they aren’t always tolerated across the board. There are many reasons why someone may choose to avoid essential oils in their skincare routine. This post will highlight skin types that don’t tolerate EO’s as well and common reactions/signs to know if you might be one of those people. I’m also going to share one of my favourite skincare lines that avoid activating ingredients for those with ultra sensitive and sensitized skin. They work to target specific skincare needs with impeccably sourced carrier oils from all over the world.

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