Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

Colostrum and the Immune System: How it protects you from getting sick

November 27, 2024
Colostrum and the Immune System

Colostrum is creating a buzz in the holistic wellness world. This is for good reason. Colostrum is one of the most incredible supplements you could take to boost your immune system. If you want to experience less colds and flus or reduce the severity, colostrum can help. It contains some of the most important nutrition your body requires to keep your immune system strong. This article will shed some light on the research behind Colostrum and the Immune system.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **

What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the first dose of nutrients provided from all Human and Mammal Mothers in the first few days after birth. Babies receive this before milk is produced. Think of it as a mega dose of nutrition and vitamins to kick start an Infant’s overall health. It plays a very important role in the baby’s immune system. Colostrum is high protein and low in fat and sugar. It is filled with white blood cells which produce antibodies needed to fight off infections. These antibodies help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria they may come in contact with at such a vulnerable age.

This isn’t the only health benefit associated with colostrum. In fact, there have been many documented health benefits noted from consuming colostrum. These benefits have been backed up by research and anecdotal evidence. The best part? The benefits of consuming colostrum are equally as beneficial to adult humans. You can read all about the numerous health benefits associated with consuming colostrum HERE. There are many and I have experienced a number of them since adding it to my daily supplements. One unexpected side benefit I experienced when consuming colostrum was weight loss, you can read about my experience and the reasons behind how colostrum helps with weight loss HERE.

Many Mothers choose to collect any extra colostrum that their baby hasn’t consumed to freeze and give them later. Some Mothers even thaw this stored colostrum to give their children when they are sick. Considering Mothers stop producing colostrum and switch to making standard breastmilk after a few days, human colostrum is often in low supply. Humans also don’t give Birth as often as other Mammals. So we look to other sources when creating supplements for older children and adults who wish to consume colostrum as a supplement.


Bovine Colostrum: The Best Source for Adults

The best source of colostrum is bovine colostrum. Cows give birth more frequently and produce more colostrum than is needed for their calves. It is the closest to human colostrum filled with all the same nutrients and antibodies needed to receive health benefits. Many companies have cropped up lately to produce a powdered bovine colostrum to consume as a supplement. There have been numerous rave reviews of how colostrum has helped heal certain ailments. It is not just a trend, rather we have tapped into an ancestral and natural source of deep nutrition. In general, most of us suffer from nutrient depletion due to poor soil, pesticides, and food that doesn’t carry the same nutrient density it once did. Finding a whole food option like colostrum to supplement our diets with is so important these days.


Colostrum and the Immune System: How does it all work?

Colostrum has been shown to have a major positive impact on the immune system. It is designed to boost the immune system of infants and has this same effect on adults. This happens for a number of reasons. There is no denying that colostrum is a beneficial supplement for humans. According to Mehra et. al (2006), “hyperimmune colostral or milk preparations targeted at specific consumer groups may play a significant role in healthcare in the future, as part of a health-promoting diet and as an alternative or supplement to medical treatment regimes”.

But how does Colostrum provide this level of immune support? There are a few key ways:

  1. Colostrum is Nutrient Dense
  2. Colostrum Provides Antibodies
  3. Colostrum  Repairs and Repopulates Gut Microbiota
  4. Colostrum Improves Iron Stores and Uptake
  5. Colostrum has Anti-Viral Properties
  6. Colostrum has Anti-Bacterial Properties


6 Key Ways Colostrum Supports the Immune System


1. Nutrient Density

One of Colostrum’s claims to fame is it’s nutrient density. This means it is packed with a number of vitamins and minerals. This type of nutrition promotes optimal function of the body. You may have heard people suggesting different vitamins to take when sick. Colostrum is a whole food supplement that offers high doses of many different vitamins required for fighting illness.

Bovine Colostrum contains immunoglobulins such as IgG, IgA, IgM; the immune modulating molecule lactoferrin, fat-soluble vitamins including retinol, tocopherol, and beta-carotene, water soluble vitamins including niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B12, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, and pyridoxine; and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese. It contains whey proteins, oligosaccharides, immunoglobulins, growth factors including IGF-1, IGF-2, TGF beta and EGF, prolactin, and insulin. Fresh colostrum also contains both essential and non-essential amino acids, enzymes, and commensal bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. Finally, colostrum contains an array of novel, potent signaling peptides called proline-rich peptides (PRPs).


2. Antibodies

As mentioned above, colostrum plays a very important role in the baby’s immune system. Colostrum is high protein and low in fat and sugar. It is filled with white blood cells which produce antibodies needed to fight off infections. These antibodies help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria they may come in contact with at such a vulnerable age. They can also be just as beneficial for adult humans for preventing and fighting illness. Your body makes several types of immunoglobulins or antibodies to help fend off illnesses. Colostrum has a particularly high concentration of the antibodies IgA and IgG.

IgG is the most common type of antibody in your blood and other body fluids. These antibodies protect you against infection by remembering which germs you’ve been exposed to before. Once it comes back in contact with the same germ, it knows to fight it. IgA antibodies are found in the mucous membranes of the lungs, sinuses, stomach, and intestines. They are also present in your saliva and blood. This antibody serves to protect your body against the initial invasion of germs. It is your bodies first line of defense against different viruses and bacteria. Through the mucosal membranes, it works to inhibit viruses ans bacteria from attaching themselves to the body and replicating.


3. Repair and Repopulation of Gut Microbiota

One of the things Colostrum is most famous for is its ability to heal the gut. Our gut is ties directly to the function of our immune system. If our gut health is poor, our immune system will follow. Just as colostrum helps a newborn establish a healthy gut microbiota with beneficial bacteria, it will do the same for older children and adults. A 2017 study (Hałasa M, et. al 2017) shows that bovine colostrum helps promote the growth of gut cells and reduce the chances of permeability because it contains healthy levels of lactoferrin and other growth factors.

Colostrum’s ability to repair healthy gut junctions and restore healthy bacteria to the microbiome is a key component in immune health.


4. Improves Iron Stores and Uptake

Low iron is linked with poor immune function. It is a common blood test run by physician’s for patients who experience frequent illness. Too little iron may increase your risk of infection.

Colostrum contains an iron transport protein called lactoferrin.  Lactoferrin works in the gastrointestinal tract. It captures iron from undigested food and transport it throughout the body to where it is needed. This is a helpful for those lacking iron or have improper iron storage within their body. Bloodwork may indicate low iron because it is improperly stored in tissues. Lactoferrin can move iron where it is needed and ensures it is used properly.


5. Anti-Viral Properties

Colostrum has actually been included in certain anti-viral medications as it provides great benefit to the immune system and fights against foreign viral invaders. It’s also especially great at treating bouts of diarrhea caused by viral infections.

colostrum has been shown to be successful at preventing and reducing the severity of certain upper respiratory infections. Due to its high level of immunoglobulins present, they are able to bind to certain viruses and prevent infection from taking hold. This is known to be true for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) as well as influenza. In the same study (Ulfman LH, et. al 2018), colostrum also demonstrated its ability to reduce severity of infection, reduce overall viral load, and increase the production of IgA producing B cells in the small intestine and lungs. This production speaks to why it is so effective at supporting both gastro and upper respiratory viruses in the human body.

In another study (Hałasa M, et. al 2022), preschool-aged children were split into two groups to compare the difference between bovine colostrum or a placebo.  After an observation period of 45 days, the study showed an increase in immunity in the children who used bovine colostrum. Over 20 weeks, children who took bovine colostrum were observed to experience fewer upper respiratory viral infections versus the placebo group.

There are also some promising anecdotes and data that support colostrum’s ability to fight off the SARS-Cov-2 infection. More research is required to make any formal statements on this but considering it’s ability to support both the gastrointestinal and upper respiratory tracts, these claims seem feasible.


6. Anti-Bacterial Properties

In addition to its ability to fight off viral infection, colostrum is also very successful against bacterial infection. According to a study (Bagwe-Parab S., et. al 2020), colostrum is known as abroad spectrum anti-bacterial agent and helps protect the body against bacterial invaders. It also contains white blood cells that produce antibodies, which strengthen the baby’s immune system and protect against infections.

Similarly to acute viral illnesses, colostrum supports the body in preventing bacterial infections. It also helps reduce severity and helps the body fight off infections present.


The Best Colostrum for the Immune System: Cowboy Colostrum

There are a number of different colostrum brands popping up. There is certainly a difference between them. It is crucial that your source colostrum from a reputable brand. I love Cowboy Colostrum for many reasons, I get into the nitty gritty of why and compare it to another popular brand HERE. In short, Cowboy Colostrum holds the following standards:

  • FDA Dietary Supplements
  • Manufactured in GMP certified facility
  • Bovine Colostrum collected from Grade A USA Dairy Farms
  • Strict Internal and third party lab analysis for purity and potency
  • No stripping of Essential Nutrients
  • Antibiotic Free
  • Kosher
  • Non GMO
  • First Milking Quality Standard
  • Calf First Commitment
  • ALWAYS free of: Antibiotics, Pesticides, Flow agents, Gluten, Hormones, Fillers, Preservatives, Artificial sweeteners


Cowboy Colostrum Discount Code

In addition to being more affordable, Cowboy Colostrum also generously offered a discount to all THV readers. Shop Cowboy Colostrum HERE and Use discount code: HOLISTICVANITY15 at checkout to enjoy an additional 15% off their entire line of products. You can even use this on their bundles.

I hope this comparison was both educational and a helpful deep dive into the nitty gritty so you are able to choose what product is right for you and your family.


Shop Cowboy Colostrum

Cowboy Colostrum offers a wide range of products and bundles. Their frother is amazing and definitely took the place of the old one I had purchased from Amazon. Their frother has kick! I personally opt for the vanilla colostrum because it’s delicious and I can mix it into my own iced coffee and milk for my kids. I love adding a little bit of maple syrup and cocoa powder as a homemade healthy chocolate milk at dinner for my entire family. Trust me, you have to try it!

They have recently launched single use packets which I love to use on the go or when we are travelling. I typically purchase the double pack of vanilla flavored colostrum to have at home.


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  • Reply Cowboy Colostrum Review and Benefits (+ discount code) - The Holistic Vanity January 13, 2025 at 10:30 am

    […] Colostrum and the Immune System: How it protects you from getting sick […]

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