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Baby & Motherhood

There is nothing more monumental than becoming a Mother. All of a sudden you have your very own baby to keep safe and make decisions for.  Motherhood can be both joyous and overwhelming when it comes to making the best choices. This is a guide for all things natural parenting.

Baby & Motherhood

Blue Brontide (Part Two): Adorable Wooden Animal Dish sets & Organic Pacifier clips

July 13, 2016


I was perusing my instagram account one day when I stumbled upon this adorable little shop, Blue Brontide. Their wooden plate sets and softly coloured baby accessories were of a quality I just had to admire. I have been looking all over for a plate set that fit my standards and unfortunately, there aren’t many out there that don’t include plastic in some way or another. I don’t have a completely plastic free home, but I try as much as I can to replace it when possible and especially for items we eat from.

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Baby & Motherhood

Trendy Organic Baby clothing boutique (20% discount and free shipping code too!)

June 13, 2016

Photo Credit: Laura Joy Photography

When we talk about the term “organic”, most of the time our minds will drift to fruits, vegetables, and personal hygeine products. We forget how many necessities in our life are also sourced from materials that are grown with chemicals and pesticides. I’m all about harm reduction when it comes to going organic, I can’t always afford it but I do try to swap as much as I possibly can in my life to toxic free.

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Baby & Motherhood

Blue Brontide: the most adorable eco friendly and organic baby dish sets and accessories

March 31, 2016

I was perusing my instagram account one day when I stumbled upon this adorable little shop, Blue Brontide. Their wooden plate sets and softly coloured baby accessories were of a quality I just had to admire. I have been looking all over for a plate set that fit my standards and unfortunately, there aren’t many out there that don’t include plastic in some way or another. I don’t have a completely plastic free home, but I try as much as I can to replace it when possible and especially for items we eat from.

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Baby & Motherhood

Cloth diapering part 1: Our switch to cloth diapers and my first impression

March 22, 2016

This is something I’ve always wanted to do for my baby and the environment. Unfortunately, at the beginning of motherhood I was so overwhelmed with new gadgets and a new baby that cloth diapering seemed to be something that might put me over the edge. I have recently found out that a complete meltdown likely would not have happened as cloth diapering so far has been a smooth sailing operation. In fact, I’m in love with it! It’s SO much easier than I could have ever anticipated and can you blame me for loving the bright colours and prints I get to put on my baby girl now?

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Baby & Motherhood

Gentle products for Babies Skin: Olive Baby Company

February 23, 2016


Photo Credit: Laura Joy Photography

There are so many differences between your baby’s skin and your own. This is why companies manufacture separate products for a baby to use when little. Unfortunately, many companies are only using this science as a way to sell an additional product and aren’t really giving you a skin care line that will protect and heal your baby’s skin.

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Baby & Motherhood

Baby & Eve for Baby bums! (How to effectively eliminate diaper rash the natural way)

February 20, 2016

Time to talk about one of my favourite go-to’s when my little one has a diaper rash. I was lucky in the sense that my baby didn’t get a diaper rash till she was started on solid food. Now that her own body is trying to process the acidity in some fruits and vegetables, it generally results in a red little bum. I had been using Baby & Eve all along for diaper changes and loved it. It kept her skin moisturized and I never had any issues! But I only realized the amazing benefits of their ingredients when these diaper rashes began. This realization made my mother nature loving heart glow, I love when products exceed my expectations!

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