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Baby & Motherhood

There is nothing more monumental than becoming a Mother. All of a sudden you have your very own baby to keep safe and make decisions for.  Motherhood can be both joyous and overwhelming when it comes to making the best choices. This is a guide for all things natural parenting.

Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

Bliss Energetics Tooth Puddy Review: Does it work? (+ coupon code)

December 4, 2024

Dental care is one of those things we all hate to deal with. I cross my fingers each time we drive up to the dentist office with my children hoping for no cavities. We have been pretty lucky with the last few years. However, that wasn’t always the case for us. My kids dealt with proneness to cavities for years. I couldn’t figure it out and dug into the research on preventing cavities. There are a number of things that have changed the trajectory of my children’s dental health journey. But there is one product in particular that helped us through some sticky situations when it came to tooth decay. Bliss energetics tooth puddy has been one of the only products that I have ever seen reverse a cavity on its own. I have seen it with my own eyes and have the receipts. So, I figured I would share my experience and the details behind this incredible product. Here is my full Bliss energetics tooth puddy review.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **

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Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

Colostrum and the Immune System: How it protects you from getting sick

November 27, 2024
Colostrum and the Immune System

Colostrum is creating a buzz in the holistic wellness world. This is for good reason. Colostrum is one of the most incredible supplements you could take to boost your immune system. If you want to experience less colds and flus or reduce the severity, colostrum can help. It contains some of the most important nutrition your body requires to keep your immune system strong. This article will shed some light on the research behind Colostrum and the Immune system.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **

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Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

The Best Barefoot Shoes for Children (+15 Health Benefits)

November 26, 2024
barefoot shoes for kids

Barefoot shoes have been around for a while but have began gaining traction in the last few years. People are recognizing the benefits associated with proper foot structure and health. They can be especially beneficial if children begin with barefoot shoes from the start.  Kids can experience many health benefits from barefoot shoes due to normal foot structure development. Having healthy foot structure can create a cascade of good health benefits throughout the body. There are so many options these days from foot type to style. This guide will help you recognize 15 of the most prominent health benefits associated with wearing barefoot shoes and the best brands for children.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **

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Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

How to Stop Recurring Strep Infections

November 4, 2024
stop recurring strep infections

As a child, I dealt with recurring strep infections. It’s what lead me to having to surgically remove my tonsils and adenoids at the age of 10. I know all too well the frustration of having strep return over and over again. But it was even more stressful when it started happening to my own children. We had a 6 month period where strep infections were returning each month. Strep can be dangerous and can negatively impact the brain and the body. This is why I searched high and low to figure out WHY it was happening to us and HOW to stop recurring strep infections from happening. I stumbled upon some research and a solution that has completely helped us stop recurring strep infections in our home. The relief I have had as a Mother is palpable. I wanted to share my findings and experience incase others are going through the same cycle as we were.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

* Information in this post is not professional medical advice and should not be relied on or used in place of consultation with healthcare professionals. Should you have any medical questions, please consult your primary healthcare provider. **

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Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

Organic First Aid Kit for on the Go (What’s in my Purse)

August 1, 2020

Over the years, I have managed to find some of the best quality on the go first aid items to keep in my purse. When you’re out and about with Children its quite often you might find yourself in need of an item for a bruise or a cut. If you don’t have it, then there’s the inconvenient rush to the nearest pharmacy to purchase an option you wouldn’t necessarily opt for. I don’t like being in a pinch when it comes to this scenario and I’m not always going to be near a health food store that can supply me with the options I have vetted over the years, so I have created a little pouch of natural health supports for every scenario I could think of. I continue to add as I go but being over 5 years into Motherhood, I’ve pretty much nailed down most of the necessities. These options aren’t just for kids, you can carry these around for yourself and to have on hand to offer to others if they are in need.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

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Baby & Motherhood Green Beauty

Safe and Natural Nail Polish for Children (15-Free & Made with Fruits and Veggies)

June 16, 2020

My Daughter has been asking me to paint her nails for atleast a year now. She’s five and sees her friends come to school with rainbow coloured nails adorned with tiny little stickers of unicorns and hearts stuck on them. It’s something I enjoyed as a little girl, having my Mom paint my nails for me.. so it hurts a bit when I’m the Mom who says “No”. I’d love more than anything to share that bonding time with her, she’s naturally as girly as they come and her little face sinking when I don’t allow nail polish strikes the level of Mom guilt to a 10.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

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Baby & Motherhood

My Holistic Birth Plan + Postpartum Care Plan

January 20, 2020

Labour and Delivery, as well as Postnatal care, is very raw, intimate, and personal. There are many options when it comes to the nitty gritty of child bearing and I took it upon myself to really research my options before having my Children. I am sharing some details of my birth plan, as well as my post natal plan, with some research to back my own personal choices. It is VERY important that you research for yourself and make your own informed choices with your own health care provider. These are decisions I made under the care of my own Midwives and they were made based on the level of health experienced by myself and my babies in utero. Always consult with your health care provider when making health decisions for you and your family. This post is intended to showcase the many options available to Women during this time of life and to empower you to look into them for yourself.

My choices were based on a holistic view of health care and were chosen after very careful research. Everyone’s bodies and circumstances are different. I also write this from the perspective of living in Canada according to the medical options and processes available to us here. Some of these options may not apply to everyone and their area, or may require private funding, etc.

Childbearing and Motherhood in general come with so many different options and discussing these options can sometimes feel polarizing. It is important that we do so without judgement towards each other. This post is simply an account of my own choices and research but in no way reflects my opinion of others’ choices or circumstances. Your body, your birth, and your choices for your children are YOURS and yours alone. I wrote this to provide a starting place for research and bring awareness to a variety of options, and did so under a holistic lens. This blog is written intentionally for those who choose to adopt a more holistic approach to Birth. My options are not everyone’s options and my hope is that this post comes off as respectful and to be used as a tool to further your own research. After having two children naturally, here is my Birth and Postpartum plan.

* Disclaimer: This post is not intended as medical advice. Please continue to seek advice from/and make decisions with your primary health care provider. *

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Baby & Motherhood Health & Wellness

How to Heal Bumps + Bruises naturally with Vanilla Extract

December 5, 2019

A bruise (or contusion- a hematoma of tissue) is a discolouration of the skin caused by damage or trauma which generally follows a fall or accident. Bruises are most commonly caused by broken capillaries/localized bleeding below the skins surface. Bruises that are visible due to discolouration are generally just below the skins surface. Though some bruises do result lower and aren’t visible, they are less common. Once a bruise is formed, your body will begin healing and resolve the wound via the immune system. But there are non-invasive and natural ways to help speed and support this recovery.

** This post is not designed to be medical advice. Always consult your medical provider regarding health and treatment options. **

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Baby & Motherhood Green Beauty Health & Wellness

Black Friday Holistic Wellness + Green Beauty Deals 2019

November 28, 2019

Its that time of year again! Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Holiday sales are usually when I re-stock my shelves with some of my most tried and true favourites. It’s also a great time to shop for gifts for family and friends. That being said, with all the buzz and excitement surroundingS these days of savings, remember to be mindful of consumption. I tend to use this time to really think about what my all time favourite green beauty and wellness products are and what I really need and will use. Don’t go broke over a good sale, but instead be mindful of what you truly love to keep on your shelves.

That being said, I have made a list of some of my favourite green beauty and wellness shops who are taking part in the Holiday sales. I’ve included some of my favourite products from each for inspiration. I am always available to answer questions, simply comment on the post below, send me an email or Direct Message.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *


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Baby & Motherhood

Holistic Mama Series: Baby Must Haves Part One

April 30, 2019

We’ve been busy! Two kids is double the work, double the tiredness and double the love. The one thing I’ve noticed is that the second child gets the calmer version of Mama.. after the birth of a first baby, Mothers are filled with anxieties over sleep, feeding, simply adjusting to being a mother and your whole world changing overnight.. This time is different, it’s familiar and although each baby is very different, I am already 4 years into motherhood and sleep deprivation.. not much phases me. I’ve figured out some things, albeit I am still no expert. One major difference between my methods from baby 1 to baby 2 is: you don’t need much “stuff”. All the big things you ask for on a registry, baby might not like or ever use.. they have a way of protesting the most expensive gadgets that you thought would be your saving grace. So I’ve compiled a list of my “baby must haves” this time around. They are all holistically minded and adopt the attachment parenting style. The best part about putting together this list after baby number two is that I have had years of vetting different products and brands with my first.. these are the products that work best for us and our family, so, I figured I would share my favourites.

* This post includes some affiliate links. This means that any product purchased from my links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love.. these commissions help to cover Bloom + Clementine’s fees so that this website can stay alive and I can continue sharing my green beauty passion with you all. Thank you for supporting my little green space on the internet. *

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