Health & Wellness

The Best Natural Pain Relief: Healing Body by Wild Wholistic

May 29, 2024

If you’ve been looking to upgrade your medicine cabinet, look no further than Wild Wholistics. I have been using their tinctures and healing plant medicine for many years now. My entire family has gained tremendous health benefits for both acute and chronic conditions. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your immune system, how support your body through a lingering cough, relieve pain from a lingering headache, calm excess histamine in the body or even help support the body through certain autoimmune flares, Wild Wholistics carries some of the most potent and effective remedies I have ever experienced. That being said, there is one tincture that started my journey and offers the best natural pain relief for both acute and chronic conditions. It is the perfect alternative to Tylenol and Advil when pain strikes and has been stocked in my medicine cabinet for years now: The Healing Body by Wild Wholistic. Read on to see why I will never let this tincture run out in our household.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

If you’re anything like me, you may have landed into the world of holistic wellness due to your own medical experiences and needs being unmet through western medicine. Conventional medicine certainly has its place, and I am grateful for it when it is needed. That being said, many acute and chronic health pain conditions go untreated or poorly treated due to lack of knowledge or understanding from the medical community as a whole. It is common practice to prescribe a pharmaceutical for any pain ailment. But overuse of these pharmaceuticals can lead to long term side effects that may require yet another pharmaceutical. This is not a recipe for good longstanding health. The truth of the matter is that no one understands the inner workings of the human body as the holistic medical world does. Much of our influence comes from Eastern Medicine, where herbs and natural resources are used to achieve harmony and healing of the body. These remedies dig deeper than surface level and support the body’s functions as a whole. And while any substance has the ability to produce unwanted side effects, herbal remedies are often much safer than their chemical counterparts. The rise in chronic disease has steadily increased alongside the rise of western conventional medicine and increase in the “just pop a pain pill” mentality. We ought to ask ourselves why.

My intention is to always reach for natural medicine first. We often forget that our species survived using herbal medicine alone for thousands of years. Conventional medicine has only been used for the last 100 years or so. It is still a relatively new practice and while there have been many advancements, particularly in emergent medicine, there have also been major downfalls. The rise of chronic disease like cancer, autoimmunity, major organ failures, etc. have rapidly increased. I am of the firm belief that we should be shifting general wellness back into the hands of herbal medicine. While pharmaceutical pain medication is certainly warranted in certain cases, pain and inflammation can often be addressed with the use of powerful yet gentle herbal medicine. One of my very favorite pain relief options is the Healing Body Tincture by Wild Wholistic. Let’s dig into one of my favorite and most used herbal tinctures.


The Healing Body:  The Best Natural Pain Relief

An Herbal Alternative for Pain & Anti-Inflammation


I often refer to this tincture as my herbal alternative to pain relief medications like Tylenol and Advil. While sometimes warranted, over the counter pain medications come with a rap sheet of side effects and can cause permanent damage to organs with long term use. Here’s what I use turmeric tinctures for Tylenol & Advil are not my first line of defense when pain strikes. Intake of Tylenol is well documented to cause a reduction in empathy for others. Empathy is a key component to social psychology & ones ability to remain in stable social relationships & deters the brain from anti-social behavior. This suggests that use of Tylenol has psychosocial implications which could impact a persons relationships & overall personality.

Some other studies cite Tylenol’s effect on healthy glutathione levels & how it can be damaging to ones liver. Glutathione is responsible for healthy elimination of toxins or as a detoxifying agent. It is especially important to have healthy glutathione levels when illness strikes, so taking this while ill can be counterproductive. The same study showed that healthy gut microbiota was protective over this which is promising, however, I personally avoid taking acetaminophen all together if I can. Advil is not much better when it comes to negative effects on the body. It differs from Tylenol and it also adds anti-inflammatory response. This makes it tempting to take for things such as headache. However, a study (Kuptniratsaikul, V., et. Al, 2014) actually found that Advil was no better at treating inflammatory knee pain than curcuma extracts (turmeric) which also has an anti inflammatory action but comes with less potential for adverse effects. In fact, supplementation with turmeric would have side benefits systemically overall.

I have had to adjust some of the supplements I take over the last year due to histamine intolerance. Black pepper is on the list of foods that are higher in histamine. I have used and loved another turmeric based pain tincture prior to this but eventually switched to Wild Wholistic Healing Body as their tincture omitted black pepper.

The Healing Body: Ingredients and their Health Benefits

The Healing Body is a potent blend of synergistic ingredients to help reduce PAIN and INFLAMMATION, while supporting holistic healing. It is a natural blend of COX-2 inhibitors and potent anti-inflammatories for pain management with some of the safest and most effective ingredients for chronic and acute pain.  Each ingredient was carefully thought through and added with intention. They all have specific functions within the tincture and there are no filler ingredients which means the potency is much stronger. The blend of various herbs work together to boost effectiveness between each other. Ingredients include:

Organic Turmeric

The health benefits of turmeric are incredibly vast and very thoroughly researched. There are over 12,500 peer-reviewed articles published proving turmeric benefits, especially one of its renowned healing compounds, curcumin. Turmeric is arguably the most powerful herb on the plant at fighting and potentially reversing disease.

One of the more widely accepted properties of curcumin in scientific communities is its ability to manage pain. Studies have found that curcumin may be a beneficial natural painkiller for:

Organic Holy Basil

Holy Basil is an adaptogen, meaning it brings balance to the entire body and protects it from stresses of all kinds. It increases strength, stamina and endurance and allows the body to utilize oxygen more efficiently while it promotes proper protein synthesis in the body. As is the case with most Adaptogens, Holy Basil has a long list of potential benefits to the body. Most notably is it’s ability to reduce anxiety and depression. It also improves cognitive capacity and memory.

In terms of physical health, Holy Basil benefits the cardiovascular system, immune system, dental health and more. Because Holy Basil is so beneficial to the entire body, it is considered a longevity enhancing herb and has often been taken for this reason alone.

Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid acts like a claw or chelating agent attaching to minerals that would otherwise be rendered useless to plants. This mineral density is why it’s such a beneficial natural supplement for the human body. Fulvic acid functions more like a whole food dose of minerals, since it’s full of so MANY types of minerals and nutrients. It’s also bioavailable, so the benefits of fulvic acid are easy for your body to recognize and absorb.

On a cellular level, Fulvic acid does most of its work inside the cell, making the cell membranes more permeable and carrying nutrients into the cells. Fulvic acid benefits include improving gut health and immune function, boosting digestion and nutrient absorption, protecting cognitive health, supporting detoxification, lowering free radical damage and inflammation, and helping to decrease pain and skin conditions.

Organic Rosemary

Rosemary is not only known for its taste and smell; it is also renowned for the many health benefits it possesses. A good source of iron, calcium and vitamins A, C, and B-6, rosemary has been used for its medicinal purposes for centuries.

Rosemary contains two potent anti-inflammatories, carnosic acid and carnosol. One study found that these two compounds inhibited COX-2, an enzyme that causes pain and inflammation in the body. They also inhibited the production of excess nitric oxide, which also plays a role in the inflammatory process. Rosemary is incredibly beneficial in reducing pain and is especially helpful in reduction of pain from headaches.

In addition to this, Rosemary has been applauded for its actions on fighting cancer, bolstering the immune system, improving memory, elevating mood, soothing digestive upset, and is a powerful antibacterial agent.

Organic Ginger

Ginger is a root herb that contains compounds which work against pain and inflammation.  Gingerol, shogaol, and paradol are the active constituents in ginger that inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory markers. It helps to relieve painful inflammatory conditions such as menstrual cramping, arthritis, muscular pain, headaches, and more. Ginger is a well known remedy and has been used in cooking often due to its accessibility.

There are more than 1300 types of ginger plant, and they contain a wide range of nutrients, including:

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin B6
  • the minerals magnesium, potassium, and copper
  • gingerols, shogaols, paradols, and other phytonutrients and polyphenols


The Healing Body: Overall Health Benefits

The Healing Body is formulated specifically to reduce pain and inflammation, however, herbal medicine often comes with “side benefits”. Herbs are multifaceted and offer a wide range of benefits. The Healing Body offers more health benefits than just pain relief. The Healing Body is also the following:

  1. COX-2 without the side effects of NSAID pain relievers
  2. Natural pain reliever
  3. Improved digestion due to it being a bitter blend
  4. Improved blood circulation
  5. Relieves joint pain and improves joint movement
  6. Improved resistance to stress
  7. Decreased inflammation
  8. Balanced metabolism
  9. Lowered blood sugar
  10. Protects body from disease
  11. Supports a healthy microbiome
  12. Aids in liver detoxification
  13. Eases grief and anxiety
  14. Bolstered immune health
  15. Improves cognitive function
  16. Improved liver detoxification
  17. A good dose of antioxidants
  18. Enhances immune system to fend off colds and infections
  19. Protects body against damage and disease
  20. A Source of trace minerals


Is it safe for Kids?

Many tinctures are made in a base of alcohol which would render them automatically unsafe for Children. The Healing Body Tincture was created with a base of coconut glycerin and purified water. This alone does not make a tincture automatically safe for kids but Wild Wholistic has used gentle herbs that are safe for both Children and Adults.

How to take it & Recommended Dosage

These are the following dosage recommendations according to Wild Wholistic:

ADULTS take 20 drops (approximately 1 dropper full) one or two times per day or as per the advice of your doctor.

CHILDREN take 1 drop per 5 pounds of body weight one to two times per day or as per the advice of your doctor.

The tincture can be taken directly by mouth or added to a drink. The taste is actually quite pleasant but in case of children who are more picky, you can add the drops to their favorite juice or an herbal tea.

Note from the brand: Please note that this is only a standard suggested dosage. We are all different and can be dealing with unique health concerns, it is only natural that some may need less than suggested dosing and others might need more. When starting a new supplement, opt for smaller dose and test your tolerance by listening to your body and trusting your intuition. Always check with a healthcare provider before starting a new supplement. 


Shop and Wild Wholistic Discount Code

This tincture is our go to for inflammation and pain relief.  I always have a bottle of it handy in our medicine cabinet incase pain strikes. It has helped us deal with headaches, menstrual cramps, pain and inflammation from bumps and bruises, ear aches, tooth aches, sprains and strains, pulled neck and back muscles, and more.

Wild Wholistic has graciously offered a discount code to The Holistic Vanity readers. Shop The Healing Body Tincture HERE and use discount code: THV10 to save 10%  on their entire website.


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