Health & Wellness

10 Health Benefits of Dandy Blend: A Healthy Replacement for Coffee

December 30, 2023

If you’re looking for an alternative to coffee, you aren’t alone. Many people are in this predicament either out of preference or perhaps because their doctor told them to cut back. Some are just looking to cut back on the amount they drink or their dependance on it. There is no denying that coffee has it’s own set of health benefits. Coffee has been noted for it’s ability to reduce risk of diabetes and fight free radicals. However, some people can experience unwanted side effects or are just plain sensitive to its effects. It can also be a culprit for osteoporosis, accelerated aging, weight gain due to blood sugar fluctuations, and anxiety to name a few. It has also been known to be heavily contaminated with pesticides as coffee beans are one of the heaviest sprayed crops.  So, what does one do when they are trying to cut back this infamously addictive beverage?

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

Many people find themselves yearning for those cups of coffee every day. Some can’t get through the day without it. Experiencing this type of dependency among other common reactions to overconsumption of caffeine may make you a candidate for a replacement beverage. Even if it just replaces extra cups throughout the afternoon, having that option can help curb the need for multiple cups throughout the day.  I certainly don’t have anything against coffee and I do have the occasional morning cup of my favourite Mold Free Organic Coffee that is tested free against many harmful contaminants. If you want to learn more about organic coffee sourcing, my favorite option and the health benefits of consuming organic over conventional you can read my full guide on organic coffee. I do believe that our society has a moderation problem and that the dose is the poison. Shakiness, mid-day crashes, sleep disturbances, and anxiety are common issues among those who drink more coffee than they should. So what do coffee lovers drink when they need a little break from the java? My vote goes to dandelion root brewed beverages such as Dandy Blend or Teeccino.

After trying countless coffee substitutes I had basically given up on finding anything that would come close to that distinct taste and richness. I wanted to find something that would still give me the ritual of a hot drink in my day. I do love tea and I drink it daily, but there is something about a hot cup of coffee that I didn’t want to give up. Eventually I stumbled upon the miracle that is Dandy Blend! I was so in love with this new drink that I don’t even recall how I discovered it.. I suppose I was just THAT excited, when my memory gives it up I’ll let you all know. The best part about this alternative is it’s FULL with amazing ingredients boding some seriously impressive health benefits, win-win! It’s also a beneficial option for those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease as it’s brewing process renders it completely gluten free.




Dandy Blend vs. Teeccino: Same Health Benefits, with a few key Differences


Dandy Blend isn’t the only coffee alternative on the block these days. More recently I stumbled across another brand that specializes in dandelion root beverages as coffee alternatives. I am shedding light on this for those who love flavored and specialty coffee because they offer a variety of options and flavors that may help you avoid that Starbucks drive-thru. Teeccino specializes in developing herbal “coffee” using the healthiest ingredients. It even incorporates seasonal trends like the infamous flavor of Fall, Pumpkin Spice. You can catch holiday and seasonal flavors if you’re lucky like the gingerbread, holiday egg-nog and candy cane chicory blends. If you prefer more traditional flavors like vanilla, mocha, or hazelnut, they’ve got you covered. I find these blends give that extra nudge towards the coffee experience and I can’t get enough of Teeccino. They also offer Dandelion teas in both original and flavored options that are filled with health benefits.

While Dandy Blend is more of an instant “coffee” brew, Teeccino has a similar brewing process to coffee beans. Teeccino is made from a number of different ingredients, each of which is individually ground, roasted and then blended. Unlike coffee beans, which are ground to a specific size for each type of brewing method, herbal coffee is a composite grind that works in all types of coffee brewing equipment including drip coffee makers, French press pots, pour-over brewers and espresso machines. Just pull out your regular coffee machine and keep the same routine you’ve always had.

Regardless of which brand you choose, both Dandy Blend and Teeccino offer superior high quality coffee alternatives to everything else I have tried. It really comes down to preference and I often have a bit of both in my cupboards. Dandy blend is like a quick and easy on the go option as it’s brewing process resembles that of an instant coffee. Just add hot water and go. Teeccino offers more of an experience and resembles the types of flavors you would find a barista making in your favorite coffee shop. Surprisingly it comes in at the more affordable option as an 11oz. bag comes in at 14.99 to 18.49 depending on the brew you choose. You have the option of purchasing a 5lb. bag that helps curb the cost even more and they offer trial sizes if you want to test a few flavors before committing to a favorite. Dandy Blend’s 11 oz. bag comes in a little steeper in price at $26.45. Dandy Blend was one of the first to market with their innovative coffee alternative so perhaps their price reflects this, however, both brands offer quality ingredients and sourcing.

Teeccino also offers a 10% discount to my readers by using the discount code: HOLISTICVANITY10. Have a peek through all their flavors and options HERE.



Dandy Blend & Teecino’s Unique Qualities

It is easy and fast to make! It dissolves into water and requires no grinding or special preparation. This makes it especially easy in an office setting or for busy mama’s where all you have to do is boil water and pour! (Tip: I add a teaspoon of Cacao (full of it’s own list of incredible health benefits) and a bit of almond milk. This sweetens and adds more flavour if you need it. Although, I find Dandy blend to have a slight natural sweetness to it and I’m even able to drink it black.)

Caffeine free! It’s an herbal drink and similarly to herbal teas does not contain caffeine which means you can drink at anytime of the day or night without stimulation or those pesky coffee crashes in the middle of the day.

Gluten free! The roasting and grinding process extracts the gluten proteins from this product and is safe to drink for anyone who struggles with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Contains over 50 trace minerals in every cup. Minerals are integral to our overall health and wellness. It is common for many people these days to burn through their mineral stores due to modern day stress, workload, and lack of nutrients in diet. It’s always nice to have multiple sources of minerals in our diet. Not to mention, minerals will help boost metabolism.

No headaches or withdrawal symptoms occur when switching from coffee to dandy blend. Dandy Blend reports that many of those who switch over report that they feel they are simply drinking a different brand of coffee!

Very Affordable. Dandy blend costs as little at 7 cents per cup! That’s MUCH cheaper than a cup of coffee these days.

Acid Free. Dandelion root beverages will not give you that potential stomach rot feeling from acidity that coffee will. This is an unpleasant feeling that has to do with the propensity towards acidity that coffee naturally has.

It’s taste actually resembles a cup of Coffee. Last but not least,  it’s delicious! It’s always exciting to find something that is filled with nutrients and you can enjoy.


10 Health Benefits of Dandelion Root

What got me really excited about this drink is the quality and quantity of dandelion root. This is the main ingredient of the drink as it’s name clearly shows and it comes with many health benefits. Here are 9 different health benefits found from ingestion of dandelion root:

  1. Improves Digestion: Dandelion root is a mild laxative and also balances the good bacteria found in your intestines. It also helps your stomach and liver release stomach acid and bile which keeps your digestion moving properly.
  2. Kidney Support: Dandelion is a diuretic which assists the kidneys in flushing out waste, salt and excess water. This can be especially helpful for women who have trouble with bloating during PMS. Instead of leaving you dehydrated from water loss, dandelion will replenish your potassium stores which is an important electrolyte.
  3. Liver Support: As mentioned above, Dandelion root helps the liver release bile which is an important function of this organ. This promotes removal of toxins and replenishment of electrolytes.
  4. Full of Antioxidants: It is known that coffee can help remove free radicals but it is also known that dandelion root does this better! Dandelion root is packed full of antioxidants which slows the aging process (while coffee actually accelerates aging).
  5. Cancer Fighting: Dandelion has been shown to fight cancer cells and this claim has been backed up with A LOT of research. Every part of this plant is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that have been proven to slow the growth and even prevent formation of cancer cells.
  6. Blood Sugar Regulation: Dandelion helps regulate blood sugar and insulin which is the opposite effect that coffee has on our blood sugar regulation.
  7. Blood Pressure Regulation: Dandelion’s diuretic effects leads to more frequent urination which in turn will lower blood pressure. Fiber and Potassium found in Dandelion will also regulate blood pressure.
  8. Lowers Inflammation: While most people are aware of the inflammation they can experience in physical injuries, more education is starting to reach people about the issues that internal inflammation can cause. Inflammation is the culprit in many diseases and illnesses today. Dandelion will reduce inflammation through it’s essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. This reduction of inflammation helps internally as well as externally from sport injuries.
  9. Supports a Healthy Immune System: If what I mentioned above wasn’t enough, dandelion boosts immune function! It destroys any bugs entering your system so can be especially helpful during the winter months.
  10. Prebiotic: Dandelion root teas are natural sources of prebiotics which help support a healthy gut microbiome.


Regardless of which brand of coffee alternatives you choose, they both offer incredible health benefits and tasty alternatives to that cup of coffee you crave. Whether you’re looking to completely replace coffee or to replace those extra afternoon cups to practice moderation, you’ll enjoy maintaining that cozy ritual of drinking a delicious warm beverage when you need a little boost.



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  • Reply Louis Nordeen February 3, 2017 at 9:08 am

    YES, I’ve recently made the switch a month ago off of coffee/caffeine, and found Dandy Blend right away! I use hemp milk, and things like that to spice it up, and have a couple cups a day! Great substitute, and nice to be off addicting coffee, finally. My blood pressure went way down, running improved greatly! I just hope it doesn’t raise blood sugar, but it looks like it actually helps with that. I wonder if 3 cups a day is good or too much. Sounds like it would be actually beneficial. Just making sure the blood sugar will be alright on Dandy Blend?

    • Reply Bloom & Clementine February 3, 2017 at 3:13 pm

      Hi Louis!

      Yes dandy blend is amazing isn’t it? I have used it for years now and just love the taste.. I mix mine with coconut milk and sometimes add a bit of vanilla in for a little kick! In terms of affecting blood sugar, I have never heard of dandy blend affecting blood sugar in a negative way, although, I do always suggest running questions by a doctor of naturopath if you are concerned!

  • Reply STEPHEN September 20, 2017 at 6:14 am

    I have a fatty liver, enlarged spleen, enlarged prostate, inflamed stomach, had a stroke and survived it.
    I take 10 grams of ascorbic acid every day as a minimum, have 5 cups of dandelion coffee, very strong and I am feeling so much better. even the stabbing feeling in my spleen is reducing. I have started to be able to take deep breaths since drinking the dandelion coffee.
    My urine flow has improved and I am going to come off the prostate tablets which make me feel sick.

    If you feel tired, no energy, and can’t identify why? Treat your liver as that is where the issue is. Don’t listen to doctors like I did. I had a stroke and nearly died. So treat your liver with care. DRINK DANDELION TEA. EAT DANDELION AND LIVE LONG AND PROSPER.

    • Reply Bloom & Clementine September 21, 2017 at 3:36 pm

      So glad to hear that dandelion tea worked for you! It most certainly is a healthy addition to anyones diet. I think there is a time and a place for doctors but its hard to remember that they are human too and make mistakes like the rest of us so to take some of their advice with a grain of salt. I have met doctors who were really helpful and some that were not (but that goes for any profession too). Glad you are feeling better and found something that worked for you!!!!!

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