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Wedding Bells!

May 30, 2017

You might have noticed I’ve been a bit MIA on the blog and social media lately and there has been very good reason for that… We are engaged!

We were engaged on our five year anniversary this past February 21st and decided shortly after to have a wedding ASAP which has taken much of my time and energy (the bit I can muster up between sleepless nights of motherhood.. This must be why most people decide to get married pre-children lol). Steve and I always talked about having children first as it was the most important part of building a family in our minds. We made the decision to have our first baby a couple of years ago and I have never been more in love than I am with my tiny human. She makes my world go round.


When you have children your relationship tends to go on the back burner, so to speak, and it takes real effort to try and hold yourselves together when you’re moving through the early stages of parenting (despite this period of my life being the most amazing chapter so far). This is why I think the timing of our wedding couldn’t be more perfect. Its given us a way to celebrate the fact that we’ve made it, we still love each other to pieces, and we get to do something for ourselves this year to honour that. In reality I’ve felt married to this man for years, now we get to have a party to celebrate it with our closest family & friends. I couldn’t be more excited to marry him this Summer.



If I had the chance to do it all over again, this is most definitely the order I would stick with. That doesn’t mean that getting married after children is all rainbows and butterflies. The planning has become quite a task since there is no “putting motherhood on pause” button to make calls, write emails, go through lists, write out invitations, meet vendors, or even just sit down and talk to Steve about options and to do lists.. Its all been a hectic blur but its all coming together beautifully!


Now that we’ve officially decided to tie the knot, look out for some upcoming posts all about our engagement and the planning process (including what products I will be using to keep my skin in tip top shape, my workout regime + healthy eating plan, and maybe even some engagement photos).


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  • Reply Meredith June 1, 2017 at 11:12 am

    Congratulations!!!!!!! This is so exciting and I’m so happy for you!!!!

  • Reply Belle June 2, 2017 at 9:55 am

    OMG! Congratulations, Kari! I’m so happy for you! I absolutely feel you about having kids and the relationship with our partner being put aside. I guess that is really what happens. But this is really exciting! 🙂

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