Green Beauty

The Best Natural and Clean Nail Polish

October 10, 2024

Everyone loves a fresh manicure and picking out that perfect color for the occasion. Whether it’s the perfect soft dusty rose for a wedding, a fresh baby blue for those spring months or a deeper cherry hue for winter, nail polish can say a lot. I love to keep my fingers and toes manicured so I like to have a good quality natural and clean nail polish on hand. There are a few things to consider when choosing a good nail polish that emits some of the most toxic ingredients.

* This post may include affiliate links. This means that products purchased from certain links will generate a small commission (At no extra cost to you). As always, I will only recommend brands that have passed my seal of approval and that I truly love. Thank you for supporting this little holistic space on the internet. *

The thing about nail polish is that, no matter how you swing it, nail polish is paint. There isn’t a perfectly natural and clean nail polish but there are BETTER for you options. You may see a lot of different marketing terms out there when it comes to clean nail polishes. They usually look like “7 free” or “10 free”. These terms are referring to how many of the most toxic offenders they have kept out of their formulation. Each brand has omitted different ingredients and there is no set rule when it comes to formulating a natural and clean nail polish. So, with that being said, it can be helpful to know what the biggest toxic ingredients are so you can be sure you are comfortable with the polish you choose.

Toxic Ingredients to Avoid in Nail Polish

  1. Toluene: Toluene is an ingredients commonly found in conventional nail polishes. It is a petrochemical and neurotoxicant that is commonly found in glues, varnishes, gasoline and nail polishes. This compound has been known to cause nausea, dizziness, as well as irritation of the eyes, skin and lungs. If inhaled during pregnancy, it has been known to cause birth defects and developmental issues.
  2. Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is a colorless gas and a toxic preservative. It’s famously known as the agent used to embalm dead bodies. For the living, it poses serious health risks. It is a documented carcinogen and has been banned from certain formulations in many countries including Canada. However, in the U.S. there has been no restrictions placed on it’s use from the FDA. This means that you still need to check your ingredient labels to ensure it isn’t included in your personal care or beauty products.
  3. Dibutyl Phthalate: this ingredients is a plasticizer used to improve nail polish durability. This ensures longer wearing time but it comes with a trade off. Dibutyl Phthalate is an endocrine disruptor which means it affects hormones. Studies have shown a link to exposure from DBP and fertility issues as well as birth defects in animals. A few studies were run on human subjects with similar results. Many places classify it as a reproductive toxicant but fail to ban it. This means it can still show up in your products and is common in conventional nail polishes.
  4. Synthetic Camphor: Camphor in its purest form comes from the wood of the camphor tree. However, synthetic camphor which is commonly used in conventional nail polish, is incredibly toxic. Exposure to camphor can cause nausea, dizziness, headaches. nausea and disorientation.
  5. Xylene: Xylene is a BTEX compound found in paint thinners, petroleum products and nail polish. Small exposures can cause headaches and dizziness. Long term exposures can lead to respiratory, kidney and gastrointestinal toxicity.
  6. Formaldehyde Resin: Formaldehyde Resin is a synthetic by product from combining urea and formaldehyde. While there is no conclusive evidence that Formaldehyde Resin is carcinogenic like Formaldehyde itself, it has its own issues. It has been linked to immune system toxicity and skin irritations.
  7. Triphenyl Phosphate (TPHT): Triphenyl Phosphate is used to support flexibility in a nail polish. It’s also strong enough to be used as a flame retardant for furniture. TPHT is known as an endocrine disruptor. It created reproductive and developmental issues in animal studies. A study by Duke found the presence of TPHT in the bodies of those who just recently painted their nails at incredibly high levels.


My Favorite 21-Free Natural and Clean Nail Polish: BKIND

When it comes to nail polishes there are THREE requirements I have when choosing a brand:

  1. They avoid the top offenders listed above
  2. They are still quality
  3. They have a wide range of colors

As I mentioned above, it isn’t about finding the perfect nail polish because it just does not exist. Nail polish is paint so it would be almost impossible to manufacture this type of product without using ingredients that are adhesives, hardeners, colorants, etc. But there are BETTER options available that omit some of the most hazardous ingredients.

I have loved a handful of nail polish brands throughout the years but I especially love one in particular. BKIND is a Canadian beauty brand based out of Montreal. They produce natural and clean nail polish that is 21-free and completely omits the dangerous ingredients listed above. The polish holds up in terms of quality and has even been tested for its wear time. They completed a panel test that found the average wear time for this polish is 5.9 days. It was 96.6% intact on average 6 days passed. It certainly holds up the same as other nail polish brands.

BKIND’s nail polish formulation is vegan, 77% plant based, 21 free and professional grade. They apply seamlessly, dry quickly and give a long lasting and luminous finish. Their nail polish is formulated with hexanal and bioceramics. These ingredients are rich in minerals such as calcium and magnesium which help strengthen and nourish nail bed health. This improves the appearance and growth of the nails rather than hindering them. It also provide anti-fungal properties to the nails which help improve the health of your nails as you wear them. This is a much better option over the toxic materials used in many conventional nail polishes. Not to mention, they are very affordable!

Another bonus is the color range they offer. They have an entire menu of different shade ranges: reds, pinks, oranges, yellows, greens. blues, purples, nudes, browns, blacks. whites, and effects (sparkles, metallics, etc.). They come out with new shades often, especially around different seasons. I personally love their pastels for the spring, bright hues for summer and their deeper shades for fall and winter. They have all their color bases covered, including an effective base coat and top coat to help extend the life and appearance of your manicure.

How to Shop My Favorite Natural and Clean Nail Polish

If you want to grab some of the best natural and clean nail polish from BKIND, you can head over to their website HERE. BKIND has generously offered THV readers a discount. Use discount code: THEHOLISTICVANITY at checkout for 15% off your entire order.


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