Green Beauty

Kaia Earth Serum Review + How to Choose the Right Skin Care Serum

December 12, 2017

Serums have always been one of those products that I am very selective of. When it comes to choosing an effective serum, its important to know what exactly it is that a serum does.  A serum is meant to deliver nutrients deep into the under layers of your skin and is applied after cleansing & toning, and precedes oils, moisturizers, and balms. I have always wondered why on earth conventional companies would create serums with synthetic or harmful ingredients. What good could come from adding toxic substances to promote a natural organ like your skin? We don’t ingest toxic substances to promote good liver health so why do we allow our skin to ingest toxic substances thinking it will create good quality skin health? I’ve put together some tips on how I choose an effective serum for my skin and am sharing my new green beauty skin care find from Kaia Earth, their Moisturizing Serum. It soothes the skin and locks in moisture, I’ve been loving it during the harsher winter months and its found a comfortable spot on my beauty shelf.


Here are a few key tips I use the choosing the right serum for my skin. They must be:

  • well sourced
  • contain all natural ingredients
  • contain useful ingredients for your skin type in particular
  • be cruelty free (there are so many good products out there that don’t endorse animal testing, vote with your wallet to help banish this unnecessary cruelty)



I will not put anything on my skin that doesn’t boost its natural ability to heal and preserve itself. That is why I have become a fan of Kaia Earths Serum as of late. Their serum is well sourced with all natural ingredients that are meant to deliver extra love for your skin during your own ritual. Its also the perfect addition to skin care rituals for the Winter since this is the time when we need extra moisture the most.I have always used facial oils as moisturizers but have found its a good idea to add a serum underneath your moisturizer of choice to give your skin a bit of extra TLC.


Viscosity of Facial Serums

Serums come in many forms (all types for different skin care concerns) and are generally a thinner consistency than your regular oils or moisturizer as they are meant to sink right in. I have found that serums come in a few different consistencies.. Most are water like and I tell you this because sometimes this catches peoples off guard. Do not fret, the consistency will NOT determine the effectiveness of the serum (you are not getting ripped off if the consistency is thin, in fact its usually the very opposite). I have actually found that the most effective serums are actually the thinnest of consistencies.. They are meant to penetrate the skin with a fast absorption rate, without leaving a film. This ensures the products you place on your skin following your serum are not competing on the skins surface.



I have actually loved very few serums, I tend to be very hard on them and only have a few I recommend so when a serum makes my blog, you can be sure its a good one. Kaia Earth is no exception to this rule, the serum is heavenly and holds some of my very favourite ingredients which are skin loving super heroes in the world of natural skin care. I knew after reading the ingredient deck that I was going to love it. This was confirmed when I got my hands on a bottle (thank you Kaia) and was able to test it out on my skin first hand. I noticed some amazing benefits over time and wanted to share why I love this serum so much.


Natural Ingredient Deck

One of my stipulations when it comes to serums are that the mix of ingredients aren’t too complex, I really dislike when a company throws together a long list of ingredients for no purpose other than to make the ingredient profile look impressive. Too many ingredients can be overwhelming to the skin if they’re aren’t picked properly. Some skin care brands manage to successfully create products with many ingredients but have studied how they work synergistically. A long listed product can (potentially) mean an ineffective product (when they aren’t chosen properly) thanks to minimal amount of each active ingredient to make room for the others and a mix of ingredients that just don’t make sense for any reason. Of course there are exceptions to every rule in skin care but I tend to prefer an ingredient deck with powerful ingredients that won’t confuse my skin.

Kaia Earth’s Serum has a clean, lovely, and incredibly effective list of powerful skin care ingredients, I was immediately impressed. The ingredients were chosen carefully, each for their unique attributes they deliver to the skin and this is the perfect combination for all skin types. This serum is also appropriate for those with sensitive skin types (like the redness and acne prone skin that I have had to manage since I was a teenager). It contains a pure form of aloe vera which is well known to reduce inflammation, calm redness, provide hydration, and heal skin ailments. I have used pure aloe vera leaf for sunburns for years now so when I see it in a skin care product, it just makes sense to me. It is for this reason, that I think I’ve noticed a slight reduction in redness from my skin tone lately. In addition to aloe vera, the serum includes Calendula flowers which have also been noted for their calming benefits.

It also contains other active ingredients with skin boosting properties such as Olive Fruit Extract, Tritium Khorasan Leaf, and Rosewood EO.



How to Apply a Serum

Serums should be applied after cleansing and hydrosols/toners and before your facial oils, moisturizers and balms. To effectively apply a serum, place a few drops of the product in your hands and gently pat the serum into your skin. Do not rub a serum in as this will cause unnecessary pulling of the skin and will slough off product in the process causing waste. Serums, facial oils, moisturizers and balms are best absorbed with damp skin so don’t completely dry your face before application. Most serums can be applied day and night (Kaia Earth is a day and night serum) so long as there are not ingredients that cause sensitivity to sun light which would mean the product is only for night time use.


Texture/How it felt on my skin

The serum was a thin liquid/gel (similar to that of aloe juice) that cools angry skin upon contact.  It has an immediate cooling effect and makes the skin feel fresh. It is a non greasy formula that sinks into the skin immediately leaving no tightness but instead a glowing dewiness. It created the perfect canvas for a face oil and balm and did not feel heavy whatsoever. This is how a serum should feel in my opinion, something that sinks right in and doesn’t add a layer of film which could make it difficult for other products to penetrate the skin afterwards. We don’t want our skin care products competing against each other, but instead working harmoniously.


Benefits Noticed

I noticed this serum helped maintain a good level of hydration during these cool fall and early winter months (something I always need assistance with). Hydration leads to less breakouts, flaking and uneven skin tone. I also noticed this serum helped to reduce the redness level in my skin. I have always had acne and redness prone skin and although I’ve managed to clear up my skin from breakouts, I still am left with incredibly sensitive skin that goes red very easily. Any product that helps to reduce this side effect is welcome in my bathroom vanity!



 Skin Type Suitability

Due to the ingredients chosen, this serum could really be used for any skin type or concern as there are no ingredients with harsh side effects. I particularly like it for skin that is redness prone thanks to the addition of soothing & healing aloe vera. This serum will not aggravate skin and will work towards building a proper level of hydration to help balance natural oil production. This product is suitable for both Men and Women.


Ethics of the Brand

Last but not least, Kaia Earth holds an impressive level of ethical responsibility which is something that should be so important to us as consumers (also for the animals and maintaining our planets health). They are:

  •  100% Natural Ingredients
  • 100% Vegan
  • Glycerin, Paraben and Colourant Free
  • Sustainably produced Ingredients
  • Transparently labelled Ingredients
  • All Extracts are derived from plants, herbs, flowers, seeds, roots, leaves.
  • Cruelty Free/No Animal Testing
  • Vegan Ingredients
  • Recyclable Packaging
  • The Company strives to use best practices in sustainability such as reducing waste in the office space
  • A Percentage of sales from Kaia Earth Skin Care goes to “1 % For the Planet” and organizations to help make a difference in the world.



Kaia Earth has certainly exceeded my expectations and created a lovely facial serum. It is a great choice for winter months thanks to the extra hydration it will add to your routine AND will work perfectly in the sunny summer months thanks to healing aloe vera (aloe is one of the most powerful natural plant options for healing and soothing sunburnt skin). It really is a perfect skin care staple to have in your vanity all year round!

One of my favourite things about reviewing green beauty products is that I am able to connect with the creators of the products. After connecting with Kaia Earth I learned that the creator is the most lovely, caring, warm individual who certainly put this love directly into her skin care line. She has also generously offered a limited time special discount during the holidays for you. For 20% off use code: HolidaysBloomandclementine when checking out.

Shop Kaia Earths serum HERE.


This post was sponsored by Kaia Earth, All opinions are my own

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  • Reply Gloria Onderdonk December 12, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    Congratulations!!! This is a pretty amazing review.

    Very useful!!! You have provided enough detail to give others a feel for what happened when they use Pure Moisturizer Serum and users will be able to learn from your experiences. If someone is trying to switch from conventional to more natural skincare, I really highly recommend give @KaiaEarth a try. Lovely review Kari, and you skin is looking extra good

  • Reply Belle December 12, 2017 at 2:36 pm

    I’m always on the look out for a good serum. Will have to check this out!

    Belle |

  • Reply Farmhouse Mama December 12, 2017 at 2:52 pm

    This sounds like a wonderful serum! I also love to make sure products I use are as natural as possible!

  • Reply Tiffany December 12, 2017 at 8:21 pm

    This serum looks amazing! I love the ingredients and that you mentioned how hydrating it was. I tend to have surface oil but dehydrated skin in the winter, so this would be nice.

  • Reply Angie December 12, 2017 at 11:08 pm

    This is so informative. I’m really not familiar with serums that much at all. After reading this I feel like I have a much better understanding of what they are and what they do and their benefits. Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply Sapna Krishnan December 13, 2017 at 12:59 am

    This looks like a great product. I have always struggled with getting the right stuff for my kind of skin and your post is definitely going to help me.

  • Reply Viktoria | Awesome Alice December 13, 2017 at 1:55 pm

    I think that a lot of women are forgetting to use serum or doesn’t even know about it, so it’s really good that you’re spreading the word because serum are great for your skin 😀

  • Reply Nita Okoye December 14, 2017 at 6:52 am

    This looks like a really good deal.. Will definitely look into it

  • Reply Adree | The Keele Deal December 14, 2017 at 8:39 am

    This sounds like an awesome product with lots of natural benefits. I love it when I find a product that works and has great ingredients.

  • Reply Tamara Goyette December 14, 2017 at 7:28 pm

    I’ve need this desperately right now for my skin

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