Switching to a natural lifestyle after years of using conventional products can be daunting, especially when you learn that even after switching over to the green side there can still be remnants of toxic ingredients that linger in your body in mass amounts. Using conventional deodorant is the perfect example of this. Most deodorants are filled with aluminum, among many other toxic ingredients, which wreak havoc on your entire system (and is well documented to cause breast cancer in women). Even after switching to a natural alternative there may still be side effects that occur when in the “transition period” and these can be prolonged if you don’t plan on helping your underarms with a detox treatment in the process. Many men and women find that they can’t get rid of the excess smell or they notice a red rash when they stop using their conventional brand. Both of these side effects can lead to men and women giving up on the entire idea of natural deodorants far too early when all they needed was a bit more time and a little extra underarm TLC. What does this all mean? In addition to switching to a natural deodorant, you should consider detoxing your armpits to draw out impurities and toxic remnants that are still present under your arms.
Now here’s the deal, many individuals in the green community despise the word ‘detox’ as they claim that you can never fully detoxify your body and that it doesn’t result in 100% purity. So when I discuss the topic of “detoxifying” I am referring to your ability to help your body let go of some un-needed toxic elements floating around. You will always be in detox mode thanks to our friend the Liver and environmental toxins will always wreak havoc on our systems but we can reduce the affects that outside sources have on our bodies (“Toxins” is another controversial word, as some suggest that it equates with the word ‘chemical’ and that “even water is a chemical so you can’t suggest they are bad for you”. However, when I use this term I am referring to the toxins and chemicals that are well known to have negative effects on the human body. I am in no way suggesting that every chemical on earth is bad, but there are toxic and non-toxic chemicals). I think these words are okay to use so long as you aren’t using them to generalize or create blanket statements. So with that, today I am going to discuss ways that you can help your underarms detoxify while in transition to healthier options.
I have been using this method as an Underarm detox for 8 years now. I really benefited from this method during the initial stages of switching from conventional deodorant to natural deodorant. Now that I have been using Natural deodorant for 8 years, I still do this detox periodically. Your underarms are a major pathway used by your body to release toxins via sweating. By assisting your underarms via detox, you make it easier for your body to complete this function. Similarly to liver detoxes which help give the liver a boost when needed.
This method is a DIY paste:
-mix equal parts of bentonite clay (do NOT use a metal spoon to scoop bentonite) with apple cider vinegar
-form a thick paste
-apply paste to your underarms
-let that sit on your armpits for up to 15-30 minutes
-wash off with a cloth and cool water.
**You will notice your underarms are red and that is simply due to the bentonite clay creating circulation (by bringing blood to the surface of your skin via its strong cathartic properties).**
Not only does this method work well, but it is one of the easiest methods of detoxing underarms that I’ve found to date.
Want to save this method to try later? Click the image below & pin to Pinterest!
Oh wow! I didn’t know this is even possible! This is such a very informative post!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
OMG. WHAT?! This is seriously crazy–I had no idea you could even do this!!!! The closest I got to natural deodorant was a crystal thing that a friend swore by, but I didn’t think it was working for me!
Great post! I have been wanting to try natural deodorant for so long. You have inspired me to give it a go!
Oh im so glad! It takes some time to switch over as there is certainly a transition period of odour and excess sweating but this is your body letting go of some of the toxins in the body. You will definitely fast track this process with a detox!
I heard that you can do the same with your feet? But where do you get bentonite clay?
I haven’t had much experience with using it for your get but it makes sense. Bentonite clay can be bought at most health food stores
This is an awesome post. I have considered natural deodorant but have never done an underarms detox. I totally need to fit this in sometime soon.
Thanks girl! Yes its so helpful to detox as well
Wow, I have no idea! Useful info! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you!
This is so timely for me. I have been trying to get off traditional deodorants for a while now, but have recently reverted back because this pregnancy has me overheating and sweating constantly. I am definitely going to give this a try.
I hear ya with the pregnancy sweat.. I had the same thing!
I would double check with Kaia about using charcoal during pregnancy. Not sure if it has warnings but best to be safe whether its natural or not! 
This is a great post as usual! i enjoy visiting your blog, Can you tell me the name of your theme?
Hi love! Of course, Its called “Olivia” from Themeforest
Thanks Beautiful! xoxo
No problem at all!
I have wanted to do this forever!!!! I heard of it a couple years back and have been intrigued every since!
[…] it along will always benefit your routine. I wrote an entire blog on how to detox your underarms HERE where I share a DIY recipe as well as a full review on Kaia’s deodorant detox stick. I did […]