This is something that I wanted to be sure I share as eloquently as possible, an important share for the sanity of all who venture into the world of healthy living. I am going to let you in on a little secret.. You do NOT have to completely swear off baked goods, give away all of your kids’ plastic toys, or immediately throw out your entire make up collection to trade in for a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you heard me.. I, Healthy Lifestyle Blogger of Bloom & Clementine, am telling you that sometimes perfectionism in ANY aspect of your life can be more detrimental than allowing a few “toxic” elements slip into your life. Now, I don’t want to completely confuse everyone here, if you’ve followed my blog you know that I have adopted a healthy way of living which includes green beauty, healthy choices for my family, making my own cleaning products, etc. I share my way of living, eating, as well as educate people on the toxicity of most conventional products and what to swap them out for. I am the biggest advocate for healthier choices overall, and believe that the more we educate each other on these topics, there is a better chance that the companies throwing together concoctions of different poisons and labelling them “safe” will slowly die out. I also believe that knowledge is power and that everyone should have a good understanding of what it is these companies are putting into your self care products, your food, your household cleaners, amongst many other things.
However, today I wanted to share a message of equal importance to all of you and hopefully you will take it in and feel at ease. It is OKAY if you have a favourite drug store bought blush, or like to indulge in a cupcake, or you just really love the scent of that bath & body works candle so you keep it around to enjoy occasionally. Adopting a healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to give up everything and be perfect. I too, have my vices and I indulge in the occasional pizza, still own a drug store mascara that I use on special occasions when I want some va-va-voom lashes, and use blue dawn dish soap in the most amazing stain remover recipe I’ve ever tried (and I won’t give it up.. No ladies, this Mama NEEDS her stain removal fairy). I use these vices in the smallest doses and while I don’t recommend them overall, I refuse to hold onto anxiety for not being ‘perfect’ in my journey towards ultimate health.
Instead, I believe in ‘Harm Reduction’.. This term comes from my years of working in the Mental Health field, before having my baby girl and becoming a stay at home Mom. It is a term and a way of living that I’ve carried with me ever since I learned about its power to empower people and their choices. In the world of health care, it is a way of reducing harm as best as possible while working through an illness. It allows the person to adjust to big changes they are making within themselves and not feel guilty or judged for holding onto some self preserving behaviours that may not be the healthiest. In my early twenties, I beat a long standing eating disorder. Rather than being admitted to a hospital program where they feed high calorie meals (which is not the root of the problem in the first place) and potentially relapse following discharge, I opted for therapy in conjunction with harm reduction.. I introduced what I called “safe foods” slowly over time while receiving therapy. I was autonomous in this journey, I was able to take it at my own pace, all while reducing the harm by slowly gaining nutrition. I did not feel guilty if I slipped up and I did not feel judged. I now apply this method to my everyday life. I use it to avoid the slippery spiral of perfection and instead replace it with Balance.
I began this blog in hopes that I could share my lifestyle and perhaps make the transition to green living easier on those who want to make “the switch”. I do this because I made the switch for years without guidance and found myself overwhelmed, unsure, and discouraged. I think it is SO important to know what goes into our bodies, on our bodies, and in our environment. This article is not my way of renouncing my belief in a greener world and safer products. The goal of this article is to assure that you never read my articles and worry that you are not “hitting that mark of perfection” when it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle. Take this transition at your own pace, really take the time to find healthier alternatives that you LOVE to replace your drug store products or food choices, and allow yourself an indulgence every once in a while. We only live once.. So while it is important to be mindful of what we ingest both internally and externally for optimal health, it is also important not to overburden ourselves with perfectionistic ideals. So going forward, when you read my articles know that I am sharing the best of the best in green living to give you as many amazing recommendations to make a healthy transition EASIER on you.. not harder! Use my blog as a guideline, not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to health. Take what works for you and leave what doesn’t behind. I come by this ‘crunchy’ lifestyle honestly and never want to make anyone feel they are not doing enough! Don’t become discouraged because of others’ seemingly ‘perfect’ lives on blogs or instagram. They are simply trying to give you inspiration, not a complex!
Every little step towards a healthier life is a GREAT one that you should be PROUD of!
Your grandmother would be so proud! She lead a healthy lifestyle and used food to nourish and heal physical and emotional needs. She always said, “Go ahead and eat…’s been frozen so there’s no calories! ” Funny lady!!! She cleaned her house with some purchased products but always leaned toward the successfully pioneered results that salt, vinegar, baking soda and pure soap provided. Now you take over…… Keep the world a little bit healthier and greener.
She was my inspiration when it comes to healthy living! I was lucky to have had her show me the ropes when it comes to using what nature gave us.. You taught me all of this too..Love you Mum!
Beautifully said! It’s so easy to get caught up in the “perfect” cycle. Slow and easy wins the race and education is a beautiful and most necessary thing. Thank you for sharing.
Slow and steady is a great way to live! It helps you appreciate everything around you and really take it in!
This is such great advice! After becoming a mom, I looked at health in an entirely different way. I think about everything that goes in or on my daughter’s body! But I also want her to be able to make healthy choices in her own someday, which means teaching her moderation and as you mention, balance. Great post!
Yes! Its so hard to find that balance as a Mama who just wants to protect her babies and do everything the best for them! Sometimes moderation is key and helps us to find that balance
This is perfect. At times it can feel so overwhelming to do everything but the idea of trying your best and doing what you can so great.
Yes! Its nice to give ourselves some space to breathe and appreciate whats already there
This is a great post! Thank you!
Thank you!
This is great! Often times, we get so caught up trying to lead the “perfect” life and get sucked into the comparison game and we end up just plain miserable! I love that you are willing to let people know that you have your own things that aren’t “perfect.” Thank you for being so honest and for sharing your healthy lifestyle habits with us!
Its very easy to get down on ourselves and strive for perfection.. its nice to remind ourselves that all that does is tire us out and make us feel inadequate.. when what we already have and do is enough!
Yes! Love this advice. I think the thought of all or nothing, makes people feel like they are failures when it comes to living healthier. One step and one choice at a time to bettering your health ultimately leads to a healthier life. Moderation is key.
Absolutely! Its important to be kind and gentle to ourselves too! We deserve it!
I really like this perspective, because small steps do make a difference.
yes! The smallest steps are sometimes the best ones
I like your point about moments on instagram. Those ‘perfect’ accounts get bad press sometimes because it’s presumed people are hiding ‘real life’ and making everyone feel inadequate. But like you say, it’s photography, it’s supposed to inspire!!
Yes! I totally agree with you.. I think unfortunately the beautiful accounts are given a bad rep but by now Im sure anyone can figure out that the families behind those pictures have their struggles too! We need to lift each other up with positive vibes
This is such a great post!!! Making a huge switch to a healthier lifestyle can be so overwhelming–doing it step by step is much easier, and makes you feel (or at least me) not as much of a failure!
What a great post! Sometimes I find comparison can cause so much anxiety when the goal is to become perfect in a healthy lifestyle. It’s refreshing to see that others use things that don’t necessarily fit the ‘good’ list and it’s ok!
Yes yes YES! Preach, Mama!! It’s hard to sometimes face the judgment that comes from other people about our lifestyle. What if I, oh my gosh, eat at chickfila instead of making my family quinoa!?! :O I seriously hear this crap from people and it is AWFUL!
I just love this! When I was still working out, I would eat healthy most days of the week but would eat whatever I want one day a week. That really helps me attain my goal because I didn’t feel like I was depriving myself of something I want so bad!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
” I am sharing the best of the best in green living to give you as many amazing recommendations to make a healthy transition EASIER on you.. not harder!” – Thank you! Looking forward to more of your ideas.
Couldn’t agree with this more! Sometimes it’s hard not to get caught up in others’ “perfect” looking lives when you’re in the blogging industry!
Alexandra Christine Blog
I’ve always been the type of person to try and do everything in one day. Love how you broke it down.
I agree. Changing a lifestyle can be overwhelming and stressful so one step at a time is the best way. And not expecting perfection. I admire your new passion. It’s great!
So beautiful, encouraging and inspiring. I tend to flip flop… I step into the natural world, sometimes miss my easy vices or get in a hurry and pick something up instead of making it myself and it starts all over again. Haha. Thank you for this!
I love this, especially the part where you say you don’t have to be perfect… don’t have to give up everything and be perfect… etc. Some people think it has to be all or nothing but moderation is key. Living a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle, not just something you do for a day or two.
Thank you for this awesome post!
This is SO true and so important! I think many women don’t make the changes they want because of fear. It won’t always be perfect but it will always be worth it. Thanks for sharing!
I loved everything about this post! Too many times I have tried to quit all non-natural things cold turkey and end up having spent a bunch of money and not being able to stay disciplined enough to stick it out! Thanks for sharing!
I believe small steps are essential to any change. Thanks so much for highlighting this!
This is such great advice! Such a great read.